本文选题:象征主义 切入点:连续印象 出处:《沈阳师范大学》2011年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The twenty years from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century is a special historical period. Both the historical and political events, the development of social ideology and the development of human content reflect remarkable changes and innovations. Music is the product of human spiritual life. In addition to bringing people an aesthetic feeling of hearing, it also carries the cultural atmosphere of the times and the perceptual sustenance of life. Debussy's creative practice takes place at the end of the century. This statement is not only the name of an era, And it describes an attitude to life. It presents a complex social phenomenon that leads to a complex and close connection between different forms of art and between works of art and social life. The degree of fusion between music and other forms of humanities and art is closer than ever. This trend has created the diversity of Debussy's music works and the richness of his creative spirit, from the initial exploration of his style to his becoming an artist. Debussy's musical influence and influence from outside of music are various, which makes his musical vocabulary and creative connotation rich and unique. This paper takes the composer's works as the main line, and takes the cultural characteristics of the times as the background. Through the analysis and introduction of Debussy's life experience and artistic creation, the author puts his creative thought in an open angle of view under the background of big culture. The contents involved mainly include the composer's artistic experience, music analysis of his works and aesthetic concepts in his creation. He hopes to analyze and study the composer's creative activities from a historical, social and cultural perspective. Strive to achieve scientific, detailed elaboration and evaluation.
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5 王次p,