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发布时间:2018-04-04 16:56

  本文选题:美育观 切入点:谱系学 出处:《西安音乐学院》2012年硕士论文

【摘要】:“美育”问题作为音乐教育学的核心问题,也是音乐美学研究的重要问题,20世纪初由王国维首提,,蔡元培发扬光大,其后,对我国的教育学的理论发展产生了极为深远的影响。到今天,“美育”的观念引入我国已有百年之久,纵观它的发展,可以说经历了由“兴盛”到“沉寂”再到“繁荣”三大阶段的发展,并产生了大量的研究成果。笔者在此以音乐教育学中“美育观”为对象,通过梳理发现,自改革开放以后,在音乐教育界,对于“美育”问题的关注,呈现出“百花争艳”的态势:一方面,研究人员众多;另一方面,研究视角也各不相同。因此笔者将自己的写作选定在改革开放三十年,藉以“谱系学”的研究方法,梳理这一时期的音乐教育学中的“美育观”的建构过程,目的在于梳理出美育在音乐教育学的学科思想史中的发展理路。 笔者经过大量的文献检索,从这一时期学者研究的立论角度、方法视野、理论目的入手,筛选出六位具有代表性的学者即:赵宋光、谢嘉幸、修海林、刘沛、滕守尧、管建华作为研究对象,企图从他们的知识背景、立论角度、立论过程、梳理他们“美育观”的内涵,梳理他们“美育观”的建构过程,通过各自观点的发展,来回溯在这一时期的美育思想的发展状况。 在以上的研究视角和方法下,笔者总结出赵宋光从马克思工艺学角度出发的作为“立美”的美育观;谢嘉幸从解释学美学角度出发的作为“语境”的音乐观基础上的美育观;修海林从音乐史学出发的作为“人”体系的美育观;刘沛从心理学出发的脑科学实证方法下的美育观;滕守尧从生态学出发的“生态式综合”美育观;管建华从音乐人类学出发的作为“多元文化”美育观,从而建立起改革开放三十年来我国音乐美育思想的谱系。而展开对这一思想谱系的研究,对于改革开放三十年的音乐美育,有重要的意义。
[Abstract]:"Aesthetic Education", as the core issue of music pedagogy, is also an important issue in the study of music aesthetics. It was first raised by Wang Guowei at the beginning of the 20th century and carried forward by Cai Yuanpei. Afterwards, it has exerted a profound influence on the theoretical development of pedagogy in China.Today, the concept of "aesthetic education" has been introduced into our country for a hundred years. Looking at its development, it can be said that it has experienced three stages from "prosperity" to "silence" and "prosperity", and has produced a large number of research results.The author takes "aesthetic education view" in music education as the object, through combing and finding that, since the reform and opening up, in the field of music education, the attention to the "aesthetic education" has shown the situation of "a hundred flowers strive for beauty": on the one hand,Researchers are numerous; on the other hand, the perspective of the study is also different.Therefore, the author chooses his writing in the 30 years of reform and opening to the outside world, and combs the construction process of "aesthetic education view" in music pedagogy during this period by means of the research method of "genealogy".The purpose is to sort out the development of aesthetic education in the history of music pedagogy.Through a lot of literature retrieval, from the angle of theory, method vision and theoretical purpose of scholars' research in this period, six representative scholars, namely Zhao Songguang, Xie Jiaxing, Xiuhailin, Liu Pei, Teng Shouyao, are selected.Guan Jianhua, as the object of study, attempts to sort out the connotation of their "aesthetic education concept" and the construction process of their "aesthetic education concept" through the development of their respective viewpoints from their knowledge background, argument angle and process.To trace back to the development of aesthetic education in this period.Under the above research angle and method, the author summarizes Zhao Song Guang's aesthetic education view as "beauty" from the angle of Marx's craftsmanship, Xie Jiaxing's aesthetic education view on the basis of "context" from the angle of hermeneutics aesthetics;Xiu Hailin's view of aesthetic education as a "human" system, Liu Pei's view of aesthetic education under the empirical method of brain science from psychology, and Teng Shouyao's view of "ecological comprehensive" aesthetic education from the perspective of ecology;Guan Jianhua set out from the view of musical anthropology as "multicultural" aesthetic education, thus establishing the genealogy of Chinese music aesthetic education in the past 30 years since the reform and opening up.The research on the genealogy of this thought is of great significance to the music aesthetic education in the thirty years of reform and opening up.


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