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发布时间:2018-05-27 08:30

  本文选题:平衡 + 小提琴演奏 ; 参考:《上海音乐学院》2004年硕士论文

【摘要】:论平衡原理与小提琴演奏的关系 陈琰乐(小提琴演奏及教学) 导师:郑石生 本文是关于平衡原理与小提琴演奏关系的研究,研究范围包括演奏状态的平衡以及演奏系统的平衡两大方面,分别从多个角度对于平衡与小提琴演奏中生理及心理,技术与艺术的关系进行了论述。理清复杂的生理和心理因素,调整好多变的生理和心理状态,正确处理音乐表现中的感情与理智的关系是本文的宗旨。 第一章 演奏状态的平衡 演奏状态的平衡制约演奏者技术和艺术才能的发挥,影响演奏质量,决定演奏是否成功,是演奏系统平衡的基础,是基本平衡。主要包括生理及心理两大方面: 第一节 演奏技术中的平衡 演奏技术中的平衡,主要涉及生理方面。 (1) 演奏姿势中的平衡:主要强调演奏姿势是一个相互作用力不断平衡的结果,任何静止的状态——僵硬,是建立动态平衡系统的障碍。 (2) 左手技术中的平衡:由于每个演奏者生理条件不同,不应教条地死抱某一条“规定”来进行左手训练,要特别注意发展四个手指的平衡性。 (3) 右手运弓中的平衡:在演奏中要追求某种力度和音色的变化,必然涉及弓速、压力、接触点这三个发音要素,这三要素是互相联系,且又处 于一个平衡体系中的,如果正确处理三者之间的关系,便能在任何接触点 上发出纯正且优美的声音了。 第二节演奏状态中的心理平衡 演奏状态中的心理平衡是取得舞台艺术成功的关键,成熟的舞台心 理取决于演奏者的智力,智能心理品质及情感心理品质。这一平衡是其广 义内涵的综合延伸。 第二章演奏系统的平衡 演奏系统平衡二是指技术与艺术的平衡,,突出技术性训练的目的是为 了更好的表现音乐,是音乐表现的重要手段。 (l)音乐表现中感情与理智的平衡:突出演奏者的内心感情,应建立在 严格冷静的乐曲分析与研究之上,演奏者即是乐曲设释者和再创造者,也 是音乐的享受者,好的演奏者在舞台上应当取得“冷静的头脑”与“火热 的心”的平衡。 (2)不同类型曲目的掌握与平衡:“小提琴家如果是一个真正的艺术家, 应当有不同的面貌,应当像一个演员一样,时而演悲剧,时而演喜剧,应 当会演奏一切,应当能掌握一切风格”。 (3)复调作品中的双音及和弦演奏的平衡:在复调作品中,低音声部或 内声部的旋律走向往往不清楚,这种声部进行的不平衡性往往容易被忽 视。 (4)合奏、重奏能力的培养与平衡:强调对于重奏与合奏的能力的培养 与训练,应当也是同技术性能力培养,训练一道从小培养。
[Abstract]:On the relationship between the principle of balance and the violin performance
Chen Yanle (violin performance and teaching)
Tutor: Zheng Shisheng
This article is about the study of the relationship between the principle of balance and the playing of the violin. The scope of the study includes two aspects: the balance of the state of playing and the balance of the playing system. The relationship between the physiology and the psychology of the violin performance and the relationship between technology and art in the violin performance is discussed from many angles. It is the purpose of this article to change the physiological and psychological state and correctly handle the relationship between emotion and reason in musical performance.
Chapter 1 the balance of the state of performance
The balance of playing state restricts the play of the player's technical and artistic talents, affects the performance quality, determines whether the performance is successful, is the basis of the balance of the performance system and the basic balance. It mainly includes two aspects of physiology and psychology.
The first section of the balance in the technique of playing
The balance in playing techniques mainly involves physiological aspects.
(1) the balance in the playing position: the main emphasis is that the playing posture is the result of the constant balance of each other. Any static state - stiff, is an obstacle to the establishment of a dynamic balance system.
(2) balance in the left hand technology: as each player has a different physiological condition, it should not be dogmatic to carry a "regulation" to carry out the left hand training, and special attention should be paid to the development of the balance of the four fingers.
(3) balance in the right hand of the bow: in the performance of the pursuit of a variety of intensity and tone changes, must involve the bow speed, pressure, contact point these three elements of pronunciation, these three elements are interconnected, and are also located
In a balanced system, if we correctly handle the relationship between the three, we can be at any point of contact.
A pure and graceful voice was made.
The psychological balance in the second playing state
The psychological balance in the performance state is the key to the success of stage art.
It depends on the intelligence, intelligence and emotional quality of the performer.
The comprehensive extension of the meaning of the meaning.
The second chapter of the balance of the performance system
The balance of playing system two refers to the balance between technology and art.
Better performance of music is an important means of musical performance.
(L) the balance between emotion and reason in musical performance: to emphasize the inner feelings of the performer should be established.
On the basis of rigorous and rigorous music analysis and research, the performer is the music interpreter and the reproducer.
It is the enjoyment of music. Good performers should be "cool headed" and "hot" on the stage.
The balance of the heart.
(2) mastery and balance of different types of music: "violinist is a real artist.
We should have different looks. We should act like an actor, sometimes act tragedies, and sometimes act as comedians.
When you play everything, you should be able to master all the styles.
(3) the balance of the two tone and chord playing in polyphonic works: in the polyphonic works, the bass part or
The rhythm of inner voice tends to be unclear, and the imbalance of this part of speech is often easily neglected.
(4) ensemble, training and balance of ensemble ability: emphasis on the training of the ability of ensemble and ensemble.
And training, should also be with the training of technical ability, training from an early age.


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1 佘斐;小提琴换把中即兴滑音的使用问题以及表现效果研究[D];福建师范大学;2010年

2 蔚华;论儿童小提琴教学中音乐“感知与思维”能力的培养[D];南京艺术学院;2011年




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