本文选题:京剧音乐 + 歌舞伎音乐 ; 参考:《天津音乐学院》1997年硕士论文
【摘要】: 京剧与日本歌舞伎,是被中日两国称之为“国粹”、“国宝”的民族艺术形式和两国最具代表性的传统古典戏曲之一。京剧音乐与日本歌舞伎音乐则是展示这两种戏曲艺术风采的主要表现手段,它融入于两种戏曲艺术之中,是京剧与日本歌舞伎艺术中不可缺少的重要组成部分。 京剧艺术形成于成熟声腔和剧种基础之上,在其唱、念、做、打、舞中以唱为根本。“唱腔”是京剧音乐的主体,其形成与发展的历史也就是“唱腔音乐”的发展史。演员与观众的交流是以“唱戏”和“听戏”为中心。日本歌舞伎艺术的形成历史则犹如我国整部戏曲发展史的缩影,其起始于歌舞,经由了“女歌舞伎”、“野郎歌舞伎”、“元禄歌舞伎”、“丸本歌舞伎”和“新歌舞伎”几个时代的不断发展,逐渐由歌舞发展为有“科白”的成熟戏曲形式。“做戏”、“舞戏”是角色演员的主要表现手段,角色演员在剧中不事唱功,其伴奏音乐便是音乐研究的主要对象。歌舞伎的主要伴奏音乐有“长(?)”、“常盘津”、“清元节”、“义太夫”以及从“能乐”中借鉴而来的“(口杂)子乐”等。除此之外,还有“黑御帘”中所谓的“下座音乐”。这些音乐同时也是日本三味线音乐的重要内容。 日本的戏曲音乐与其他传统音乐的紧密关系也是世界所少有的。“长(?)”、“常盘津节”、“清元节”等歌舞伎音乐伴奏形式,既是歌舞伎音乐伴奏的主体,,同时,又是随歌舞伎艺术的繁荣所发展起来的。了解日本戏曲音乐和日本歌舞伎音乐,对于正确理解日本传统音乐和准确认识日本现代音乐都是十分有益的。
[Abstract]:Peking Opera and Japanese kabuki are known as "national essence", "national treasure" and one of the most representative traditional classical operas in China and Japan. Peking Opera music and Japanese kabuki music are the main means to show the artistic style of these two kinds of opera, and they are integrated into the two kinds of opera art. Peking Opera is an indispensable part of Japanese kabuki art, which is formed on the basis of mature vocals and plays, and is based on singing, reading, doing, playing and dancing. Singing is the main body of Beijing Opera music, and the history of its formation and development is the history of singing music. The communication between actors and audience is centered on singing and listening. The history of the formation of the Japanese kabuki art is like the epitome of the whole history of the development of Chinese opera. It originated in kabuki, and passed through "female kabuki", "Yoshiro kabuki" and "Yuanlu kabuki". Maramoto Kabuki and New Kabuki developed from Kabuki to mature opera form. "play", "dance play" is the main means of performance of actors and actresses, the actors and actresses do not sing in the play, its accompaniment music is the main object of music research. The main accompaniment music of kabuki include Changpan Jin, Qing Yuan Festival, Yi Tai Fu and Zi Yue, which are drawn from Neng Yue. In addition, there is the so-called "music" in the Black Curtain. At the same time, these music is also an important part of the Japanese Sanwei line music. The close relationship between Japanese opera music and other traditional music is also rare in the world. The forms of Kabuki music accompaniment, such as Changpan Festival, Changpan Festival and Qing Yuan Festival, are not only the main body of kabuki music accompaniment, but also developed with the prosperity of kabuki art. Understanding Japanese opera music and kabuki music is very helpful to understand Japanese traditional music and Japanese modern music correctly.
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2 徐元勇;京剧音乐与日本歌舞伎音乐形成史的比较研究[D];天津音乐学院;1997年
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