本文选题:“新音乐学” + 音乐历史研究 ; 参考:《中央音乐学院学报》2010年02期
[Abstract]:Since the 1980s, the rise of "New Musicology" in Britain and America has revolutionized the traditional "Historical Musicology" and "Ethnomusicology" in terms of research object, method and purpose. In the new academic system, it is integrated into a comprehensive study of the history and culture of music. " New musicology not only pays attention to western art music, but also pays attention to non-western music. It not only promotes the emergence of a new model of music history research, but also draws lessons from the methods of music culture research, and not only explores the historical significance of music, He also studies the broad cultural connotations of music. " The research idea of New Musicology has certain reference significance to the study of Chinese Musicology.
【作者单位】: 英国布里斯托大学;
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