[Abstract]:The conflict of musical ideas between Nie Er and Li Jinhui in the early 1930s reflects the general contradiction between the direction of urban culture development and the demands of revolution in that era. This is caused by the interaction between the two forces of the New Cultural Movement since the May 4th Movement, that is, the improved evolutionary force and the progressive revolutionary force. It makes great changes in the concept of new music in China, and makes the revolutionary appeal become the main factor that determines the development of new music and even the whole urban culture. From the point of view of aesthetic form, Li Jinhui's music embodies modern aesthetic form, while Nie Er is close to classical aesthetic form and is a revolutionary replacement of classical aesthetic form. The enlightenment of this conflict is that the construction of contemporary Chinese urban culture must deal well with the relationship with the spirit of the times, and can not understand the spirit of different times with fixed concepts. The contemporary Chinese urban culture should permeate the spirit of the times and cannot be replaced by it. It is necessary to carry forward the modern aesthetic form with the attitude of reflection and to create the contemporary Chinese urban culture which can embody the requirements of the socialist harmonious society.
【作者单位】: 上海师范大学都市文化研究中心;曲靖师范学院人文学院;
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