发布时间:2018-08-03 18:36
【摘要】:手风琴室内乐是手风琴演奏重要形式之一,其最早出现在19世纪末的中欧地区。随着改革开放的进一步深入,手风琴室内乐在我国快速发展起来。手风琴室内乐的出现开辟了手风琴演奏的新领域,它一改手风琴独奏或伴奏的演奏形式,大大拓展了手风琴乐器的艺术表现力,给予了大众耳目一新的感觉,对未来室内乐、手风琴的发展将产生重要影响。但相比国际发展形势,我国手风琴室内乐发展目前还处于瓶颈的特殊时期,笔者通过收集关于我国手风琴室内乐创作、实践、教学、成绩等方面的资料,对我国手风琴室内乐的发展历程、乐团状况、作品内容、组合形式、音乐风格等诸多方面进行了研究。 文章共分为三个部分:第一部分阐述室内乐、手风琴室内乐的概念;第二部分概述国内手风琴室内乐发展现状,在查阅大量文献资料以及部分具有代表性室内乐谱例的基础上,对手风琴现状的不足进行分析,并通过对手风琴室内乐组合的文献综述和研究,对手风琴室内乐的作品特征、表现形式、音乐风格等方面进行总结研究;第三部分针对第二部分分析的状况提出建议,笔者针对我国手风琴室内乐发展现况及特点提出:更新理念推动手风琴室内乐全面发展;改革教育体系推动手风琴室内乐可持续发展;借鉴国外经验推动手风琴室内乐专业化、系统化训练,使手风琴室内乐演奏者提高演奏技巧;激活手风琴室内乐作品创作动力;实现民族化给手风琴室内乐注入生命力;倡导手风琴室内乐艺术市场化等建议,以期促进我国手风琴室内乐的进一步发展。
[Abstract]:Accordion chamber music is one of the important forms of accordion playing, which first appeared in Central Europe in the late 19 th century. With the further deepening of reform and opening up, accordion chamber music in China's rapid development. The emergence of accordion chamber music has opened up a new field for accordion performance. As soon as it changes the form of accordion solo or accompaniment, it greatly expands the artistic expression of accordion instruments, gives the masses a fresh feeling and gives them a fresh sense of future chamber music. The development of accordions will have an important impact. However, compared with the international situation, the development of accordion chamber music in our country is still in a special period of bottleneck at present. The author collects information on the creation, practice, teaching, achievement and so on of the chamber music of accordion in China. In this paper, the development of chamber music of accordion in China, the status of orchestra, the content of works, the form of composition, the style of music and so on are studied. The article is divided into three parts: the first part describes the concept of chamber music, accordion chamber music, the second part summarizes the development of domestic accordion chamber music, on the basis of consulting a lot of literature and some representative chamber music spectrum examples. Based on the analysis of the status quo of accordion, and through the literature review and research on accordion chamber music combination, the work characteristics, forms of expression, music style and other aspects of accordion chamber music are summarized and studied. The third part of the second part of the analysis of the status of recommendations, the author of our accordion chamber music development status and characteristics: update the concept to promote the overall development of accordion chamber music; To reform the educational system to promote the sustainable development of accordion chamber music, to promote the professional and systematic training of accordion chamber music for reference from foreign experience, to enable accordion chamber musicians to improve their playing skills, to activate the creative power of accordion chamber music works; To realize nationalization, to inject vitality into accordion chamber music, to advocate the art marketization of accordion chamber music, and to promote the further development of accordion chamber music in China.
[Abstract]:Accordion chamber music is one of the important forms of accordion playing, which first appeared in Central Europe in the late 19 th century. With the further deepening of reform and opening up, accordion chamber music in China's rapid development. The emergence of accordion chamber music has opened up a new field for accordion performance. As soon as it changes the form of accordion solo or accompaniment, it greatly expands the artistic expression of accordion instruments, gives the masses a fresh feeling and gives them a fresh sense of future chamber music. The development of accordions will have an important impact. However, compared with the international situation, the development of accordion chamber music in our country is still in a special period of bottleneck at present. The author collects information on the creation, practice, teaching, achievement and so on of the chamber music of accordion in China. In this paper, the development of chamber music of accordion in China, the status of orchestra, the content of works, the form of composition, the style of music and so on are studied. The article is divided into three parts: the first part describes the concept of chamber music, accordion chamber music, the second part summarizes the development of domestic accordion chamber music, on the basis of consulting a lot of literature and some representative chamber music spectrum examples. Based on the analysis of the status quo of accordion, and through the literature review and research on accordion chamber music combination, the work characteristics, forms of expression, music style and other aspects of accordion chamber music are summarized and studied. The third part of the second part of the analysis of the status of recommendations, the author of our accordion chamber music development status and characteristics: update the concept to promote the overall development of accordion chamber music; To reform the educational system to promote the sustainable development of accordion chamber music, to promote the professional and systematic training of accordion chamber music for reference from foreign experience, to enable accordion chamber musicians to improve their playing skills, to activate the creative power of accordion chamber music works; To realize nationalization, to inject vitality into accordion chamber music, to advocate the art marketization of accordion chamber music, and to promote the further development of accordion chamber music in China.
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