[Abstract]:In addition to the ancient piano score, "string rope preparation" is the most detailed and complete record of the performance of a chord instrument in the history of the development of Chinese instrumental music so far. High degree of fingering chord instrument performance spectrum, can be solo, but also music, self-cultivation, entertainment. The instruments are also divided, one after another, but independent and independent, so we can not simply use the concept of "spectrum", "total spectrum" or "orchestration" in a nutshell. The history of western music is the history of the development of the composer as the core. The technical theory and creative practice of composition and the artistic practice of the performer run through the development track of western music in the past few hundred years. Is the form of oral culture to follow the spread of history. Therefore, for the direct operator of Chinese string music, we think that the value of "string cord preparation" lies in trying to transcend the vulnerability of oral instruction and to try to leave as many sounds and charm as possible. Shen Yun. In 1984, the Central Conservatory of Music hired Mr. Cao Anhe as a consultant to conduct the first exploratory research and practical performance of the preparation for the Strings. On January 10, 1986, the National Music Committee of the Chinese musicians Association, Music Research Institute of the Academy of Culture and Art of the Ministry of Culture and the Central Conservatory of Music. "Thirteen Special Concert sets" based on the principle of restoring Ancient Music. November 14, 2009, The Chinese Conservatory of Music and the Central Conservatory of Music jointly sponsored the "Qing Dynasty Ancient Spectrum", which was based on the principle of resurrection of ancient music. Compared to more than 20 years ago, we have a deeper understanding of this chord music, although there are still many puzzles and puzzles. Taking advantage of the holding of "Ancient Ching Rope preparation for the Qing Dynasty" and the release of CD album, this paper gives a brief explanation of our new cognition of "Strings preparation for examination" and some problems concerned about it.
【作者单位】: 中央音乐学院;
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