[Abstract]:If we want to reveal the law of accompaniment and how to play its role in the music of music, we must begin with the discussion of the form and form of the accompaniment instrument. The most typical accompaniment instruments are three strings, four strings, boards and cymbals. Three strings, boards, cymbals, one-man-this kind of "not idle" type of play is a direct expression of grassroots folk meaning. Three strings and four strings play together, point tone and line sound help each other, high tone region and bass area match, and their performance complement each other, which creates the condition for enhancing the artistic appeal of string books. The use of three strings and four string accompaniment in double rap is to meet the needs of the singer's own accompaniment, and it is hoped that the voice of the silk string can be coordinated with the singing.
【作者单位】: 温州大学音乐学院;
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