[Abstract]:Since the 20th century, under the influence of western symphonies, Chinese music has produced many national instrumental concertos. On the premise of inheriting the traditional music culture and keeping the characteristics of playing national musical instruments, the composer has made some attempts to break through the traditional musical forms and draw lessons from the playing skills and ways of western musical instruments, so as to develop the folk music vigorously. It realizes the blending of Chinese and western music culture. As one of the important traditional musical instruments, Concerto plays a pioneering role in the cooperation between pipa and national orchestra. This paper focuses on the piano contraction of the Pipa and Chinese Orchestra Hua Mulan, I. e., Piano and Piano. This thesis is divided into three chapters: the first chapter, the composer's introduction and background; the second chapter, the music Noumenon of Pipa Concerto < Hua Mulan >; the third chapter, the performance art of Pipa Concerto "Hua Mulan". Through the discussion, this paper tries to make an analysis and research on the background of music writing, music Noumenon and the performing art of the music, hoping to be of some help to the study of the modern and contemporary pipa music creation and performance art.
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