[Abstract]:The concept of pop music is relative to classical music and traditional folk music. The origin of pop music in China is about the same as in the 1920s and 1930s. Earlier than this period, "school music" can be said to be the embryonic form and initial form of "pop songs" in China. The development and history of pop music in China are divided into "the Shanghai period of the 1920s and 1930s", "the Hong Kong period of the 1950s", the "Taiwan period of the 50-70 's", the period of development between Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland, and so on. Can help us to grasp the "pop songs" in China's heritage and artistic characteristics of the general situation. Then, before we make a certain evaluation of the past "pop songs" in our country, we should first find out what is the concept of "popular songs" in our country, which songs belong to "pop songs", and what are the common characteristics of these songs? Based on the history and present situation of pop music in China, this paper makes an objective evaluation and discussion on the concept of "pop song", the position of "pop song" in music and the artistic value of pop music.
【作者单位】: 深圳大学艺术系;
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