[Abstract]:Xia Ye is an excellent music theorist and music historian in our country. His academic achievements in his life mainly focus on two aspects: the study of opera music and the study of the history of ancient Chinese music. He is not only the founder of Chinese opera music, but also one of the founders of Chinese ancient music history. His contribution to the music field in China is worth studying and summarizing by every musicologist. The text consists of two parts: the study of Opera Music and the study of the History of Ancient Chinese Music. According to the writing thought of putting the characters in the historical environment, the viewpoint in the academic background, the criticism in the objective discussion, the conclusion in the specific conditions, and the method of comparative research, Through the elaboration and analysis of the same or different academic viewpoints put forward by Mr. Xia Ye and other scholars on the same research field or academic problems, the author tries to make an objective and historical evaluation of the academic achievements of Mr. Xia Ye. The first part is the study of Xia Ye's opera music. Xiayo's research on opera music is mainly reflected in the study of opera music, so the first part is based on the study of this book. Through the elaboration of two viewpoints and their influences, the author points out Mr. Xia Ye's position as the founder of opera music research, and expounds the new ideas of traditional Chinese opera music research. Make an objective evaluation of Mr. Hano's academic achievements. The second part is a study on the history of Xia Ye's ancient Chinese music. The academic achievements made by Mr. Xia Ye in this field are mainly reflected in the theoretical study of musical tune, the study of Jiang Baishi's songs and the Compendium of the History of Ancient Chinese Music written by Jiang Baishi. Therefore, this article starts from these three aspects. This paper expounds respectively the new academic viewpoints, the research ideas and the influence on later generations put forward by Mr. Xia Ye in these three fields of study, and points out the position of Mr. Xia Ye as one of the founders of the subject of ancient Chinese music history. On the basis of summing up the contents of the following chapters, the conclusion part makes an objective conclusion and evaluation of the academic achievements made by Mr. Xia Ye in the study of traditional Chinese Opera Music and the study of the History of Ancient Chinese Music. And excavate the academic thought and scholarship spirit of Mr. Xia Ye from it.
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