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发布时间:2018-11-19 18:12
【摘要】:本文以中华人民共和国建国初期浙江省各地成立的“文工团”为研究对象.旨在运用民族音乐学的研究方法对“文工团”音乐活动进行深入的总结与梳理。本文通过查阅历史文献、采访相关当事入,获取了大量的原始资料,并对这些资料进行了系统的整合与分析,力求在建构“文工团”专题性历史叙述框架的基础上,探究“文工团”音乐活动的历史背景、独特贡献与深远影响。 本文由绪论、正文、结论三个主要部分构成。其中,绪论部分主要陈述了本课题的研究意义、研究目的、研究现状及所采用的研究方法。 正文部分,主要从浙江省各地文工团成立的概况、其搬演的音乐作品、其改编和创作的音乐作品、其对后来浙江音乐发展所产生的影响与作用四个方面进行阐述。即,第一章《浙江省各地文工团成立概况》,主要讨论新中国初期文工团成立的社会和历史背景。第二章《浙江省各地文工团搬演的音乐作品》、第三章《浙江省各地文工团改编和创作的音乐作品》主要是对文工团音乐活动史实的研究,分专题对文工团搬演的作品、改编及创作的作品进行梳理与阐释。第四章《浙江省各地文工团的音乐活动对后来浙江音乐发展所产生的影响与作用》主要论述文工团的音乐活动对后来浙江专业团体的建立和艺术人才的培养等方面所产生的影响和作用,总结浙江省各地文工团在开拓新型音乐文化、推动音乐艺术发展、探索音乐教育道路等方面积淀的成功经验,客观评价其历史地位与价值。
[Abstract]:In this paper, the people's Republic of China in the early days of the founding of Zhejiang Province set up around the "Art Corps" as the object of study. The purpose of this paper is to summarize and sort out the music activities of the Art Group by using the research method of ethomusicology. By consulting historical documents, interviewing relevant parties, obtaining a large number of original materials, and systematically integrating and analyzing these materials, this paper tries to construct the thematic historical narrative framework of "Art Group" on the basis of. Explore the historical background, unique contribution and profound influence of the music activities of the Art Group. This paper consists of three main parts: introduction, text and conclusion. Among them, the introduction mainly describes the research significance, research purpose, research status and research methods adopted. The main body part is mainly from four aspects: the general situation of the establishment of Zhejiang Provincial Arts and Technology troupes, the musical works it performs, the music works adapted and created, and the influence and function it has on the later development of Zhejiang music. The first chapter, the General situation of the Establishment of Zhejiang Province, mainly discusses the social and historical background of the establishment of the Group in the early years of the people's Republic of China. The second chapter, "Music works performed by various literary and technological troupes in Zhejiang Province", and chapter III, "Music works adapted and created by various literary and technological troupes in Zhejiang Province", mainly focus on the historical facts of the music activities of literary and technological troupes, and focus on the works performed by literary and technological troupes on a special topic. The adaptation and creation of the works are combed and explained. Chapter IV "the influence and function of the Music activities of the Literary and Technical troupes in Zhejiang Province on the later Development of Zhejiang Music" mainly on the establishment of professional organizations and the cultivation of artistic talents in Zhejiang Province. The effects and effects of the This paper sums up the successful experiences accumulated by the various art troupes in Zhejiang Province in developing new music culture, promoting the development of music art and exploring the way of music education, and evaluates its historical position and value objectively.


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