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发布时间:2018-11-21 08:24
[Abstract]:Under the state system of Zhou Gong, the ceremony of making music, open the prelude of the Chinese nation's ritual and music civilization. Chinese culture of rites and music is a dynamic process running through three thousand years, and the concept of etiquette and music is constantly developing. To study etiquette and music, we must first define the concept, distinguish the relationship between different ritual types and music system types, and dynamically grasp the concept of etiquette and music in different historical periods in order to recognize the substantive connotation of ritual music. Based on the definition of the concept of ritual and music, this paper focuses on the analysis of several misunderstandings in the study of Chinese etiquette and music: taking elegant music as the symbol of etiquette and music, using Jili as the whole of etiquette and music, disregarding the three thousand years of Chinese ritual and music civilization, the theory of the fault of etiquette and music; The decline of elegant music, the flourishing of vulgar music and Hu Le, the emphasis on metaphysical music morality and music education, the discussion of the propriety and music regardless of the form of Noumenon, the constant adjustment and evolution of the concept of rites and music in the development of the times; Focusing on the palace to talk about ritual music, do not grasp the system of ceremony and music system, not from the current civil society to grasp the traditional state of ritual and music, can not see the history of national ritual and music folk contact.
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院音乐研究所;


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