[Abstract]:North Shaanxi and north Shanxi across the river, are the Central Plains farming culture and northern grassland culture blending region. Similar geographical environment, historical culture, customs and customs, as well as being in the same language area, make the folk songs of both places have great similarity in style, but they have their own unique characteristics. This paper makes a comparative study on the folk songs of Northern Shaanxi and Northern Shanxi from four aspects: the first part, in the historical origin, the background of the formation of folk songs between the two places has been made a basic study and comparison. In history, the unique geographical position of Northern Shaanxi formed the unique cultural personality with Qin and Han culture as the main body and the northern grassland culture as the fusion. Another important period in the history of the development of folk songs in northern Shaanxi, Gansu and Ningxia, played a pivotal role in the history of the development of folk songs in Northern Shaanxi. Shanxi folk songs is a representative of Shanxi folk songs. The history of war and migration has affected the culture here, with a certain integration of cultural regions. In the second part, the author compares and analyzes the folk songs from geographical environment, historical culture, life custom, language characteristics and so on. At the same time, the music content of folk songs in both places is analyzed and compared in terms of the types of music, the main types of folk songs, the musical structure of "Xintian Tour" and "Shan qu", and the content of singing words. Northern Shaanxi and northern Shanxi are in the Loess Plateau, similar living environment and production conditions, so that people in both places have many similar living habits. The historical and cultural characteristics of the two places have a certain ethnic integration, people are polytheists. Among the many Xin Tian you and Shan qu, the use of Bixing technique is a common feature of these two folk songs. The melodies of mountain music are more delicate and inner than those of Tianyou. In addition, Northern Shaanxi and Northern Shanxi have their own unique folk songs, as well as music characteristics. In the third part, the author analyzes the enlightenment of folk songs in Northern Shaanxi and Northern Shanxi to the teaching and singing of national vocal music. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the original singing methods of folk songs and the teaching of national vocal music in colleges and universities, as well as the present situation and research of the teaching of folk songs of the original ecology in the teaching of national vocal music by academicians, and gives an example to illustrate it. The fourth part mainly discusses the development and protection of Northern Shaanxi folk songs and Jinbei folk songs in recent years. Finally, it discusses the significance of protecting and inheriting the original ecology of Shanxi folk songs and Northern Shaanxi folk songs. The original ecological folk songs are the source of vocal music of our Chinese nation. The folk songs sung by the contemporary people will be more alive and accepted by the public, so that the essence of our national culture can be grasped and passed on. Therefore, research, protection, development and inheritance is an important task in front of our national vocal music workers.
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