发布时间:2019-01-08 09:00
[Abstract]:The ritual and music factors in Yin Shang musical instruments and their evolution, the prehistoric instruments and musical instruments development sequence, through the continuous development, formed certain morphological characteristics: the instruments accompanied gradually in the ritual vessels, revealed that the ritual and music factors in the ritual system from nothing to exist; The development and evolution of bronze ritual vessels and musical instruments in the Yin ruins provide us with fresh materials for understanding the ritual and music factors in the instruments of Shang Dynasty, while the bronze instruments unearthed in the surrounding areas of the Central Plains and in the south show the actual influence of "Yin Li" in the southern region. The elements of ritual and music embodied in bronze instruments of Yin ruins were further developed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty and had a profound influence on the system of rites and music which gradually formed afterwards. This article uses the musicology research angle, uses the paper material and the underground material union double evidence method, first strictly judges the prehistoric musical instrument and the ritual musical instrument cognition misunderstanding; Then the author focuses on the evolution of bronze musical instruments unearthed from Yin Shang Dynasty, focusing on the ritual and music factors and their institutional evolution in the bronze instruments of Yin Shang Dynasty, and also on the influence of the ritual and music factors on bronze instruments in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. In combing and comparing, the elements of etiquette and music in Yin and Shang musical instruments and their evolution path can be preliminarily revealed, which can also supplement some new understanding on the issue of rites and music in Shang and Zhou dynasties.
[Abstract]:The ritual and music factors in Yin Shang musical instruments and their evolution, the prehistoric instruments and musical instruments development sequence, through the continuous development, formed certain morphological characteristics: the instruments accompanied gradually in the ritual vessels, revealed that the ritual and music factors in the ritual system from nothing to exist; The development and evolution of bronze ritual vessels and musical instruments in the Yin ruins provide us with fresh materials for understanding the ritual and music factors in the instruments of Shang Dynasty, while the bronze instruments unearthed in the surrounding areas of the Central Plains and in the south show the actual influence of "Yin Li" in the southern region. The elements of ritual and music embodied in bronze instruments of Yin ruins were further developed in the early Western Zhou Dynasty and had a profound influence on the system of rites and music which gradually formed afterwards. This article uses the musicology research angle, uses the paper material and the underground material union double evidence method, first strictly judges the prehistoric musical instrument and the ritual musical instrument cognition misunderstanding; Then the author focuses on the evolution of bronze musical instruments unearthed from Yin Shang Dynasty, focusing on the ritual and music factors and their institutional evolution in the bronze instruments of Yin Shang Dynasty, and also on the influence of the ritual and music factors on bronze instruments in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. In combing and comparing, the elements of etiquette and music in Yin and Shang musical instruments and their evolution path can be preliminarily revealed, which can also supplement some new understanding on the issue of rites and music in Shang and Zhou dynasties.
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