[Abstract]:Yanke (December 1924) is one of the most outstanding composers of the people's Army. He serves the revolutionary cause entirely with his music writing, and consciously obeys the needs of the Party, the people's Army and the masses of the people. As one of the representative figures of Chinese military music, Yanke's music creation runs through the history of Chinese music since the 1940s and has become a driving force to promote the development of Chinese military music. There are four chapters in this paper, the first three chapters are the combing, analysis and exploration of Yanke's three stages of life journey, artistic thought and vocal music creation. From 1937 to 1949, as an early stage of his growth, Yanke was baptized by blood and fire. He refined his own outlook on life, values, tamped the basis of life and thought of music creation, accumulated rich creative experience; From 1949 to 1976, as the middle stage of Yanke's growth and the golden period of vocal music creation, he further improved his creative level under the guidance of his relatively mature artistic thoughts. Has produced a number of representative works in the military music history quite has the influence, has displayed the certain artistic individuality; Since 1976, as the mature stage of Yanke's artistic thought and the period in which his artistic individuality is highlighted, he has always adhered to his creed of creation, kept the true character of the servicemen, and created a number of "military melodies" in the new period. He added bright flowers to the garden of military music. At the same time, with a broad vision, he paid attention to the ever-changing changes brought about by the reform and opening up to the motherland, and extensively covered non-military subjects. And the new musical language to express their true feelings. The fourth chapter, the general view of Yanke's life journey, artistic thought and vocal music creation, and from the perspective of military music history of Yanke vocal music creation for a certain evaluation, at the same time, The author also discusses his own thoughts on how to develop military music through his research on Yanke, and discusses his own views on how to develop military music.
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