[Abstract]:The classical Italian songs of the 1700s and the 18th century are a unique work in the world vocal music works. Most of these Italian songs have typical Baroque musical features and features. They are not only beautiful melodies, but also short and delicate. And involved in a wide range of subjects, respectively, reflecting the important opera music of the typical style. Explore, analyze these classical Italian songs-the narration, aria, oratorio, solo pastoral, cantata, etc.-in operas at that time, you can see that the lyrics of these vocal works are all very beautiful with the melody. The lyric is a very obvious reflection of the humanism thought since the Renaissance, showing the colorful colors of the secular world rather than looking at the other side of the world, and expressing the feelings of joy, anger and sadness of the people who have got rid of the asceticism, which are both elegant and elegant. Beautiful, smooth and funny, and implicit, noble, solemn and even magnificent. From the technical point of view of vocal music, the singing parts of these songs are more active and march in the middle voice area of people. Generally speaking, they do not have a wide range, have neither strong soprano nor strong bass, so they are suitable for singing by singers of any voice in order to consolidate them. Developing sound area At the same time, these songs have a pure style, a suitable expression, often long coherent, strong and obvious, rhythm clear various morphemes. These are excellent for developing singing skills, practicing basic breathing skills, vowels and correct pronunciation. In order to get rid of the drawback of traditional vocal music teaching mode-practicing vocal music endlessly and transforming vocal music teaching into "vocal gymnastics", our Bel Canto practitioners (especially beginners), We can start with singing classical Italian songs in moderation, with the help of vocal music teachers, we can extract a lot of valuable repertoire from these songs, which will be a very meaningful and helpful thing. Because of these songs there are too many subjects worth pursuing and mastering vocal techniques and techniques. Why don't we use classical Italian songs in the spirit of Lu Xun, when we can't find good vocal enlightenment textbooks? Take a look at these classical Italian songs, they are indeed the heritage of human vocal music.
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