[Abstract]:Starting with the teaching methods of piano in our country, this paper analyzes the present situation and existing problems of piano teaching in our country. The dialectical teaching method of "spectrum, law and music" is put forward to solve these problems. And a brief overview of the subject in the history of the status of research. It demonstrates the possibility and inevitability of forming dialectical relation among them and the necessity of studying them. The paper first expounds the concepts of "spectrum", "method" and "music", and puts forward a scientific method of reading spectrum from directional reading spectrum to plane reading spectrum and then sublimating to three-dimensional reading spectrum from a new angle of view. Thus, it is convenient to understand the degree of students' mastery of the connotation of the works and to form a strong support for the study of the dialectical relationship between "spectrum, law and music". Secondly, the text focuses on the dialectical relationship of "spectrum, law, music" in teaching. According to the different degree of mastery of the works, there are three stages, six pairs of contradictory relations: spectrum and music, spectrum, music and law; law and spectrum, law, spectrum and music; music and law, music, law and spectrum. According to the differences of the principal and secondary relations in the three stages, three corresponding solutions are put forward. The practice part is the concrete application of the dialectical teaching method of "spectrum, law, music". It is pointed out that the dialectical unity embodied in different age stages and different degrees of application is actually a dynamic equilibrium relationship among them. The balanced development of the three is the condition for the formation of the performance ability; the imbalance is the internal motive force for improvement; the new round of balance is the symbol and the new starting point for the improvement of the performance ability. In this round of process, students' playing ability has been improved. It is the law of constant circulation from balance to imbalance, which is the general teaching law that should be followed in piano teaching. In conclusion, it clarifies the theoretical and practical significance of the dialectical teaching method of "Spectrum, method and Music". It also puts forward the concrete requirements for the dialectical teaching of "Spectrum, Law and Music".
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