本文关键词:音乐立美教育的理论探索 出处:《浙江师范大学》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 关于立美教育问题的研究,是目前国内学界较热门的话题。立美即建立美的形式,是实践过程,审美是认识过程;立美为审美提供“美的存在”前提;审美是对立美成果的精神反映,二者相辅相成。当代美育理论研究成果表明,美育不仅只是审美教育,也是立美教育。音乐立美教育则是立美教育下的一个子系统。目前,正值我国整个社会和教育事业快速发展的大好时机,我国中小学音乐教育也呈现前所未有的良好局面:教育观念国际化、教学课时有保障、师资队伍不断壮大、教学设备逐步完善、学生音乐学习氛围越来越好……为保持并进一步发展这一良好势态,摆正音乐教学实践的指导思想,完善音乐教育的理论体系,显得越来越重要。研究音乐立美教育,有助于我们了解“音乐教育是美育的重要途径”这一命题的确切内涵,认识和把握当前我国音乐课程改革总体的趋势外延,进而从较深的层面拓展我国音乐教育理论的研究视域,为具有中国特色的音乐教育理论与实践的形成和发展起到一定的理论奠基作用。 本文采用文献分析、逻辑思辨、案例研究等方法,从学理层和应用层两方面出发,就音乐教育可以“立美”、“立美”原理及“立美”方法等问题进行初步的理论探索。全文分引言与四章内容。引言指出研究缘起、意义、范围、方法及主要创新点。第一章,对立美、立美教育的研究现状以及中外有关音乐审美教育观的反思等理论研究做综述与总结,界定“立美”、“立美教育”、“音乐立美教育”的概念。第二章,对音乐立美教育的性质与特征、目的以及原则进行探究。第三章,从学理层分析音乐立美教育的哲学基础、美学基础、心理学基础、课程论基础,阐明该理论的合理性与科学性。第四章,从应用层对音乐教育教学的立美设计与立美方法作宏观到微观的分析。研究表明,音乐立美教育,即在音乐教育教学过程中,教师按照美的规律,以开发教学内容的内在美为依据,以建立教学形式艺术化的外在美为手段,引导学生建立并创造音乐美的内容与形式的教育。它属于学校美育范畴,与音乐审美教育有着共同的终极目的,其特点在于突出音乐教育自身美、音乐实践、音乐创造的立美意义。音乐立美教育方法的自觉运用,可以有效提高受教育者的音乐鉴赏能力、音乐美的表达和创作能力,并能激发学生的兴趣,树立终身学习音乐的美好愿望,其效果是难以想象的。
[Abstract]:Study on aesthetic education issues, is currently a hot topic in academic circles. The establishing the form of beauty, is the process of practice, the aesthetic is the process of cognition; aesthetic aesthetic "the existence of beauty" is the premise; aesthetic aesthetic achievements reflect the spirit, the two complementary research achievements of contemporary aesthetic education. The theory shows that the aesthetic education is not only the aesthetic education, and aesthetic education. Music aesthetic education is a subsystem of the aesthetic education. At present, our country is a good development opportunity for the whole society and education, education is also showing a good situation hitherto unknown music in primary and middle schools in China: the concept of internationalization of education, teaching hours is guaranteed teachers, teaching equipment is constantly growing, gradually improve students' music learning atmosphere is getting better and better. In order to maintain and further develop the good situation, straighten out the guiding ideology of music teaching practice in the end The theoretical system of good music education, is becoming more and more important. The research of music aesthetic education, help us to understand the "music education is an important way of" aesthetic education the exact meaning of this proposition, understand and grasp the current our country music curriculum reform trend extension, and from the deep level to expand the research horizon of Chinese music the theory of education, to a certain theoretical foundation for the formation and development of music education theory and practice has the characteristics of Chinese.
This paper uses the literature analysis, logical reasoning, case study method, starting from the theory and application layer two, music education can be "aesthetic", "preliminary theoretical exploration of the aesthetic problems" principle and the "aesthetic" method. This paper consists of preface and four chapters. The introduction points out that the study of the origin, significance the scope, methods and main innovations. The first chapter, the aesthetic, aesthetic education do review and summarize the research status and the related Chinese and foreign music aesthetic education on the view of theoretical research, the definition of "beauty", "aesthetic education", "concept of music aesthetic education. In the second chapter, the nature and characteristics of music aesthetics education, research purposes and principles. The third chapter is the philosophical foundation of physical education from the aesthetic layer analysis of music aesthetic foundation, psychological foundation, the basis of curriculum theory, clarify the rationality and scientificity of the theory. The fourth chapter, from the The application layer in music teaching of aesthetic design and aesthetic method of macro to micro analysis. The study shows that the music aesthetic education, which is in the process of teaching in music education, teachers in accordance with the laws of the United States, to develop the teaching content of inner beauty as the basis, to establish the teaching form of artistic beauty as a means to guide the students establish and create music content and form of education. It belongs to the category of school aesthetic education, with the ultimate aim of common music and aesthetic education, which is characterized by its outstanding music education, music practice and music creation aesthetic significance. Conscious use of music aesthetic education methods, can effectively improve the education of music appreciation the beauty of music expression ability and creative ability, and can stimulate students' interest, set up the good wishes of lifelong learning music, it is difficult to imagine.
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