发布时间:2017-12-31 12:35
本文关键词:试论小型民间音乐公司上海半度文化艺术有限公司的创建与管理 出处:《上海音乐学院》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 半度音乐 创业意义 创业战略 运营 切割策略
【摘要】: 本论文试论上海半度文化艺术有限公司(以下简称半度)的创建与管理(背景资料详见案例),针对艺术这一特殊的属于精神领域和文化消费的行业,从战略和运营两个层面,深入探讨半度生存与发展过程中蕴涵的小型音乐类公司创建和管理的基本原则,包括战略规划、切割策略、产品、市场、资源、财务和团队管理的方方面面,以及小型音乐公司创建和管理的几个关键性因素,希望对热爱艺术,计划投身艺术行业并期望获得一定成就感的个人和企业有所启示。 本论文最重要的结论是:一、对所从事的艺术领域的热爱,这是源源不断产生热情、面对各种坎坷仍能坚持下去的内在根本动力源;二、实施艺术和商业、管理模式明切暗合、外切内合的切割策略,由最专业的人从事专业的事,互不干涉同时又是一个整体运营,保证资源最大化。 特别强调的是,本论文是立足于那些具真正“创业意义”内涵及艺术使命感的小型音乐公司或企业型非营利组织。
[Abstract]:This thesis tries to discuss the establishment and management of Shanghai Half-degree Culture and Art Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "Half-degree") (see case study for background information, aiming at the special industry of art which belongs to spiritual field and cultural consumption. From the two aspects of strategy and operation, this paper discusses the basic principles of the establishment and management of small music companies in the process of survival and development, including strategic planning, cutting strategy, products, markets and resources. Financial and team management aspects, as well as small music companies created and managed by several key factors, want to love the arts. Individuals and businesses who plan to engage in the arts industry and expect a sense of achievement. The most important conclusions of this paper are as follows: first, the love of the art field, which is a continuous stream of enthusiasm, in the face of all kinds of obstacles can still persist in the fundamental source of power; Second, the implementation of art and business, the management model is explicit and implicit, the external cutting strategy, by the most professional people engaged in professional affairs, non-interference is at the same time a whole operation, to ensure the maximum of resources. It is especially important that this paper is based on small music companies or enterprise-type non-profit organizations which have the connotation of "entrepreneurial significance" and the sense of artistic mission.
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