本文关键词: 瞿小松 音乐创作 文人特质 文化视野 形态特征 音乐启示 出处:《福建师范大学》2010年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:瞿小松作为20世纪80年代以来最具影响的作曲家之一,内外兼修,智慧与释道并存的形象早已被大家所熟知,他的艺术成就已经超越了一般音乐人所能达到的高度。在音乐创作上冲破了西方音乐的束缚,走出了20世纪西方先锋派音乐的狭隘死角,以传统释、道思想为哲学基础,融诗文、书法、绘画、戏曲等传统文化于其中,吸收世界传统民族文化之精华,并在作曲理念、作曲手法、音乐处理等方面显示出独特的风格特征,形成了特有的音乐观念。其寂静之乐、以实求虚的创作观,简淡质朴的审美观,无为而为的哲学观,写意传神的表达观,悟道修身的功能观等思想反映了中国传统文化哲理之精髓,在总体上继承了中国传统文人之精神,体现了中国传统艺术之审美特征,创造了中国音乐高品位的样式,更生发了中国现代音乐文化的新生命。 本文从分析瞿小松部分代表作品的音乐形态入手,对其创作思想与文人精神进行探究,着重研究其音乐中的文人特质、文化视野、音乐形态特征以及其音乐观给当代音乐创作与音乐教育等方面带来的启示。 瞿小松音乐观及其创作中的文人精神不仅给我们带来启示,而且其文人音乐中体现的哲理也给现代音乐的发展带来一定的启发与思考。笔者认为,现代音乐的发展要尽量以非功利的平常心态走出离奇怪诞、“昙花一现”的西方学院先锋派音乐风格的阴影(笔者并非反对先锋派音乐,事实上先锋派音乐风格对现代音乐的发展带来一定的推动作用,只是觉得某些先锋派音乐因过分强调某种技法或观念而常常忽视“根”的存在),真正创造出有“根”的作品,这个“根”就是优秀的传统文化和传统思想。只有“根”深才能叶茂,只有“根”好才能结出丰盛的果实。所以,无论现代音乐今后要走什么路,都不要忘了“根”的存在。本文分析瞿小松的音乐,一方面旨在研究瞿小松音乐中的文人精神,另一方面更希望音乐人对音乐中的文化有更深的思考,正如瞿小松的音乐“用声音来暗示永恒的寂静”一样,希望通过瞿小松音乐之“形”,来激发起人们对文化内涵更深的感悟之“意”,以获得更丰富的审美内涵和更大的美学意义。
[Abstract]:Qu Xiaosong, as one of the most influential composers since 1980s, has been known for a long time for both internal and external works and the coexistence of wisdom and Taoism. His artistic achievements have exceeded the heights that ordinary musicians can achieve. He broke the shackles of western music in his music creation, walked out of the narrow corner of western avant-garde music in 20th century, and based his philosophy on traditional Buddhism and Taoism. Integrating traditional cultures such as poetry, calligraphy, painting, opera and so on, absorbing the essence of the traditional national culture of the world, and showing unique style characteristics in the aspects of composition idea, composition technique, music processing, etc. Formed a unique musical concept. Its quiet music, in order to seek the virtual creative view, simple and simple aesthetic, the philosophy of inaction, freehand expression, The function view of self-cultivation reflects the essence of Chinese traditional cultural philosophy, inherits the spirit of Chinese traditional literati in general, embodies the aesthetic characteristics of Chinese traditional art, and creates the high-grade style of Chinese music. Reinvigorated the new life of Chinese modern music culture. This article starts with the analysis of qu Xiaosong's representative works' musical form, probes into his creative thought and literati's spirit, and studies emphatically the literati's characteristics and cultural vision in his music. The characteristics of music form and the enlightenment to contemporary music creation and music education. Qu Xiaosong's outlook on music and the literati spirit in his creation not only enlightens us, but also brings inspiration and reflection to the development of modern music by the philosophy embodied in his literati music. The development of modern music should try its best to walk out of the strange and grotesque, "short-lived" vanguard music style of western colleges with a non-utilitarian ordinary mentality (the author is not opposed to avant-garde music, In fact, the avant-garde music style has brought some impetus to the development of modern music. It is only felt that some avant-garde music often neglects the existence of "root" because of its excessive emphasis on certain techniques or concepts, and really creates works with "roots". This "root" is an excellent traditional culture and traditional thought. Only "root" is deep and only "root" can produce rich fruits. Therefore, no matter what path modern music has to take in the future, Don't forget the existence of "root". This article analyzes qu Xiaosong's music, on the one hand, aims at studying the literati spirit in qu Xiaosong's music, on the other hand, he hopes that the musicians will have a deeper thinking about the culture in music. Just as qu Xiaosong's music "implies eternal silence with sound", it is hoped that the "form" of qu Xiaosong's music will inspire people to have a deeper understanding of the cultural connotation, so as to obtain a richer aesthetic connotation and a greater aesthetic significance.
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