本文选题:威尔第 切入点:歌剧 出处:《西安音乐学院》2009年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 在意大利乃至整个世界歌剧领域中,威尔第以其作品的博大精深而矗立在歌剧世界金字塔的顶端。《纳布科》、《弄臣》、《茶花女》、《奥赛罗》他一次次树立着歌剧历史进程上的丰碑。从《奥贝托》到《法尔斯塔夫》二十六部歌剧,大师以毕生的经历和他那独特的音乐语汇,创作出一个又一个鲜活的故事和人物形象。纵观这些作品不难发现,悲剧是大师钟爱的创作题材,在这些作品中他除了向我们刻画了那些英勇、刚毅的男性角色之外,更不乏柔美、善良的女性角色。但在这些形形色色、个性鲜明的女性角色,经历过各自的情感变化后,大都以死亡作为其命运的结局。或许是时代和自身的情感经历等诸多原因,促使大师在创作时对这类女性格外关注,并用细腻的音乐将她们的形象和命运再现于观众面前。本文将从歌剧《奥赛罗》中女主人公苔斯特蒙娜的音乐及唱段入手,看作曲家如何诠释其悲剧命运,进而通过她与威尔第其它代表作中女性角色命运及情感的音乐发展进行比较与分析,总结作曲家对这些不同的人物刻画时的相同之处,并分析造成这些悲剧的深层原因。
[Abstract]:In Italy and throughout the world of opera, Verdi stands at the top of the pyramids of the opera world with the breadth and depth of his work. < Nabucco >, < jester >, "Camellia", "Othello" he has set up a monument in the course of opera history again and again. From < Oberto > to < fall. Stave, 26 operas, With his life experience and his unique musical vocabulary, the master created one vivid story after another and one character after another. Looking at these works, it is not difficult to find that tragedy is the subject matter of the master's favorite creation. In these works, in addition to portraying the heroic and resolute male characters to us, he is also not lack of soft and kind female characters. But after these various and distinctive female characters have experienced their own emotional changes, Most of them take death as the outcome of their fate. Perhaps it is the times and their own emotional experience and many other reasons that prompted the masters to pay special attention to this kind of women when they created. With exquisite music, their image and fate will be reappeared in front of the audience. This article will start with the music and singing of the heroine Tastmona in the opera "Othello", and see how the composer interprets the tragic fate of the composer. By comparing and analyzing the musical development of the fate and emotion of the female characters in Verdi's other masterpieces, the author summarizes the similarities of the composers' portrayal of these different characters, and analyzes the underlying causes of these tragedies.
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