本文选题:羊为军 切入点:声乐 出处:《西安音乐学院》2010年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:羊为军教授是西安音乐学院声乐系的教师,在她的教学生涯中积累了丰富的教学经验,总结了大量的教学理论,取得了优异的教学成果。由于笔者从1999年开始师从羊为军教授学习声乐,在学习的过程中感受到羊为军教授在教学中丰富的教学经验的理论总结对声乐艺术教育的重要价值,并且由于笔者也是一个音乐教育工作者,得益于工作和学习上的相对便利的条件,因此,在本论题中,试图系统地、突出重点地将羊为军教授的声乐教学经验和理论,做一个简单的研究和梳理。 本文从两个大的方面对羊为军教授的声乐教学进行论述,第二章主要论述了羊为军教授在声乐教学实践中对发声的重要环节所出现的问题提出的有针对性的解决方案,并且在此基础之上提倡综合训练的观点,即在生理上和心理上进行全面的放松练习,以自然和放松的状态将发声训练中的各个环节紧密的融合在一起,避免出现训练之中的脱节和相互产生不利影响的情况。第三章的内容主要是从羊为军教授在教学过程中所体现的主要特点入手,分析其教学过程中提倡的主要原则,即:针对不同学生的发声条件、心理素质和身体条件采取的因材施教的观点;辩证统一的观点以及艺术素质的提高;包括在歌剧中人物形象的塑造与教学的四点建议。
[Abstract]:Professor Yang is the teacher of vocal Department of Xi'an Conservatory of Music, in her teaching career has accumulated rich teaching experience, summed up a lot of teaching theory, have made outstanding achievements in teaching. Because of the start under the tutelage of Professor Yang to study vocal music from 1999, in the process of learning to feel the sheep theory Professor Jun in teaching rich teaching experience plays an important role in vocal music education, and because the author is a music educator, relatively convenient conditions, thanks to the work and study so in this thesis, tries to systematically, highlighting the professor Yang's vocal music teaching experience and theory, to do a simple research and combing.
The sheep in the vocal music teaching professor discusses from two aspects, the second chapter mainly discusses the emergence of proposed by Professor Yang Weijun in the vocal music teaching practice in the important aspects of voice problems targeted solutions, and on the basis of comprehensive training, namely comprehensive relaxation in the physical and mental exercise, in a natural and relaxed state will sound every link in the training of close together, to avoid disconnection between training and adversely affect the situation. The third chapter mainly starts from the sheep as the main characteristics embodied in the teaching in the teaching process, the main analysis the principle of the teaching process to promote the sound in conditions of different students, students take psychological and physical condition of the point of view of dialectical unity and art; The improvement of the quality of the operation, including four suggestions on the shaping and teaching of the characters in the opera.
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