发布时间:2018-06-07 00:35
本文选题:莫扎特 + 莫扎特男高音 ; 参考:《西安音乐学院》2009年硕士论文
【摘要】: 莫扎特是维也纳古典乐派的集大成者,其歌剧的创作代表了古典主义时期歌剧创作的最高水品。他的歌剧作品在整个歌剧史上具有非凡的历史地位。他以其高超的音乐语言赋予了各个歌剧角色鲜活的生命力。他对于男生声部尤其是男高音声部充满了独特的创作热情,并且创作了众多鲜活的人物形象和脍炙人口的唱段,至今还为人们所津津乐道。而这些男高音角色身上都有着莫扎特风格的标签。莫扎特歌剧《后宫诱逃》中的贝尔蒙特,《唐?璜》中的奥塔维奥以及《魔笛》中的塔米诺等形象就极具这一风格。这些人物形象大都纯情、善良、热爱生命,对爱情充满纯真和虔诚的向往。在音乐语言上充满了极具诗意的唯美旋律。在演唱风格上具有明亮抒情的特点。而今天人们把这些角色以及适合演唱这些角色的歌手都称为“莫扎特男高音”足可以说明莫扎特歌剧作品中男高音角色点典型性。所以作为歌者来讲无论是在扮演这些角色时,或者是在演唱这些角色的唱段时都应该把握好这些角色的演唱风格和莫扎特歌剧的整体特点。
[Abstract]:Mozart is the masterpiece of the Vienna classical music school, whose opera represents the highest water quality of opera creation during the classicism period. His opera works have a remarkable place in the whole history of opera. With his superb musical language, he endowed various opera characters with fresh vitality. He is full of unique enthusiasm for the male voice, especially the tenor, and has created many vivid characters and popular songs, which have been talked about by people today. And these tenor characters have Mozart labels on them. Beaumont in Mozart's opera "the harem", < Don? The images of Ottavio in Juan and Tamino in Pied Piper have this style. These figures are mostly pure, kind, love life, love full of pure and devout yearning. In the music language is full of poetic aesthetic melody. The singing style has the characteristic of bright lyricism. Today, people call these characters and the singers who are suitable to sing these characters as "Mozart tenor", which can explain the typical tenor character in Mozart's opera works. Therefore, the singer should grasp the singing style of these characters and the overall characteristics of Mozart opera.
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1 刘波;抒情男高音在歌剧中的艺术表现力[D];陕西师范大学;2012年