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浅析王中山筝乐中对传统的继承与创新关系探微.pdf 全文

发布时间:2016-12-16 05:18


南京艺术学院 硕士学位论文 王中山筝乐中对传统的继承与创新关系探微 姓名:司荔荔 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:音乐学 指导教师:阎爱华;刘承华 2011-05-19 王中山筝乐中对传统的继承与创新关系探微 摘 要 本文试通过对王中山筝乐中的演奏技法和古筝筝面的特殊定弦的学习和研 究,运用比较论证法,分析出与传统古筝作品演奏技法、古筝筝面定弦的传承关 系,以及在此基础上进行的技法创新和定弦的创新。本文运用了个案分析的方法, 分别从王中山具有代表性的古筝创作作品的筝面定弦来分析其中的音阶调式特 点。并与此同时运用了归纳对比的方法,将他作品中的音阶调式特点和传统的古 筝音阶调式进行比较,分析出王中山作品中音阶与传统常用的音阶之间的相通联 系之处,并且重点分析发展创新的特点。 关键词:传承与创新,,左手快速指序,摇指,轮弹,古筝形制, 古筝定弦 I A study on the relationship between the tradition and innovation of Wang Zhongshan’s Guzheng works Aabstract This paper is trying to analyze the relationship between the Guzheng works of Wang Zhongshan’s and the traditional ones about the playing skills and tuning the strings of Guzheng by using comparions method, and also trying to analyze the innovations on the tuning the strings and playing skills on Wang Zhongshan’s works. Also, the case analysis was used in this paper to analyze the tuning the strings of Zheng In Wang Zhongshan’s works to su





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