[Abstract]:This article mainly discusses the necessity of combining the division of the sound part, the classification of sound and the teaching of Chinese national vocal music. In the preface, it expounds that under the lofty goal of constructing the Chinese vocal school, the establishment of a scientific system of vocal music teaching is one of the prerequisites, and the construction of the vocal part is undoubtedly a cornerstone under the structure of Pyramid. It should include four chapters. In the first chapter, it expounds the division of the sound part, the connotation and significance of the classification standard of sound type. The second chapter mainly expounds the status of the division of sound and the classification of sound at home and abroad, and puts forward the problems of the unbalance development of the vocal part and the single sound type in the field of national vocal music in our country, and the third chapter, mainly from the traditional thought and national sound. The development of music and the development of the voice subject are analyzed and the main reasons for the unbalance of the sound construction and the single sound type are expounded. In the fourth chapter, I put forward his own views and suggestions on how to construct the Chinese characteristics of the sound department and the standard of the classification of sound types, and put forward their views and suggestions on the close connection with the Chinese national vocal music teaching. On the basis of the division of the sound department and the actual situation and characteristics of the development of national vocal music in China, in the classification of sound, combining with our aesthetic characteristics, referring to the classification of opera "traveling" and combining the classification characteristics of the country's works, the classification standard of our voice is constructed, which is the emphasis on the construction of the sound part and the standard of the classification of sound types with Chinese characteristics. In the concluding part, I reiterated the significance of the division of the vocal parts, the classification of sound and the teaching of Chinese national vocal music, and appealed to the experts of the vocal circles to work together and work together to achieve this goal.
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