[Abstract]:In the context of globalization, the flow of people in the world and the process of urbanization bring opportunities for the study of urban immigrant music in musical anthropology. As a historic and contemporary cosmopolitan city, Shanghai's ethnic landscape is increasingly diverse. " The discrete group has transformed the demographic and musical landscape of Shanghai, an integral part of which is the 50, 000-strong multinational immigrant population of South Korea. Based on the field of music anthropology, this paper bases on the field investigation of Korean transnational immigrant group "enclave" and its traditional music life in Longbai area of Hongqiao Town in the past three years. On the basis of studying and participating in the practice of traditional Korean percussion, the paper takes the theory of "ethnicity" of urban sociology as the core explanation frame. This paper demonstrates how the "ethnic nature" of Korean immigrant groups, which was born in the process of "heterogeneity" in Shanghai, can be regenerated, resurrected and continued through the traditional percussion music of symbolism of ethnic groups, "the folk music of the wind and the land", to realize the condensed meaning of regeneration, resurrection and continuance.
【作者单位】: 上海音乐学院音乐学系;
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