[Abstract]:Fan Drum, also known as Taiping Drum, is a kind of art form which is also popular with God and vulgarity, and is also an ancient music culture. Xingtai region, located in the south of Hebei Province, is an important spreading area of fan drum culture. The Xingtai fan drum has formed its own regional characteristics and has become a folk music form with strong regional color in Chinese fan drum culture. Although the study of fan drum is early, the research on Xingtai fan drum is seldom seen in the world. Based on this, this study takes the theory of ethomusicology as the research method, on the basis of the field investigation, draws on the previous theoretical research results and related literature materials, and studies the Xingtai fan drum music. This research mainly includes two aspects of Xingtai fan drum musicology and cultural thinking of Xingtai fan drum. The musicology of Xingtai Fan Drum mainly describes the music of Xingtai Fan Drum. Xingtai fan drum instrument form described as drum head, drum handle, drum tail three parts. The music form of Xingtai Fan Drum is mainly described from the aspects of fan and drum tune (including singing, music, etc.), drum music, singing words, performing formation and dance step. At the same time, rational cognition fan drum music and folklore relationship. Cultural thinking of Xingtai Fan Drum is the conclusion and extension of this study. From the background of culture, this paper puts forward some problems facing the inheritance and development of Xingtai Fan and Drum, such as the lack of inheritors, the lack of survival soil, the impact of commercial market, the shortage of funds and so on. This paper attempts to seek corresponding solutions and methods from the general trend of modern culture and economic development, so as to preserve and carry forward the cultural tradition of Xingtai Fan Drum.
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