发布时间:2018-10-25 12:32
【摘要】: 如果谈启蒙运动史而不谈贝多芬,那就像芭蕾舞剧《天鹅湖》没有柴可夫斯基乐曲伴奏一样。同样,关于贝多芬的论著,闭口不谈启蒙运动,那必定缺乏思想的深度和广度。本文通过对启蒙运动时期哲学、美学、文学领域中代表人物及其作品的分析,说明了他们对贝多芬乐曲创作的各种影响,使我们更加清楚的认识到贝多芬作品的内涵。贝多芬诞生于启蒙运动后期,启蒙思想更趋完善,自由、平等、博爱的思想已经深入人心。本文正是要将这种联系勾画得更加清晰,使人们理解贝多芬人之伟大,作品之伟大的必然性。 文章共分为六部分,第一章主要对启蒙思想的内涵做了介绍。启蒙运动作为文艺复兴的延续,标志着资产阶级作为一种革命势力正式走上了历史舞台。第二至第四章,对启蒙运行时期的哲学思潮、美学观和文学理想进行了论述,着重与贝多芬具体的作品作了对比分析。充分说明了时代造就了贝多芬的伟大作品与人格。启蒙思想同时影响了一大批音乐家,第五章说明了音乐先行者对贝多芬创作的影响,体现了音乐家们对启蒙思想的共同感悟。伟大的作品就像面镜子,人们可以从中看到自己。贝多芬音乐之所以经久不衰,有它的现实意义。最后一章,论述了包含启蒙思想的贝多芬音乐对我国当代社会的影响。对我国构建和谐社会仍然有启迪。
[Abstract]:If you talk about the history of the Enlightenment without Beethoven, it's like ballet Swan Lake without Tchaikovsky. Likewise, the silence of the Enlightenment in Beethoven's writings must have lacked the depth and breadth of thought. Through the analysis of the representative figures and their works in the field of philosophy, aesthetics and literature during the Enlightenment period, this paper explains their various influences on Beethoven's composition, and makes us understand the connotation of Beethoven's works more clearly. Beethoven was born in the late Enlightenment, the enlightenment thought more perfect, freedom, equality, fraternity has been deeply rooted in the people. This paper is to draw a clearer picture of this connection so that people can understand the greatness of Beethoven and the inevitability of his works. The article is divided into six parts, the first chapter mainly introduces the connotation of enlightenment thought. As a continuation of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment marked that the bourgeoisie, as a revolutionary force, formally stepped onto the historical stage. In the second to fourth chapters, the philosophical trend of thought, aesthetic view and literary ideal during the period of enlightenment are discussed, with emphasis on the comparison with Beethoven's works. It fully shows that the times created Beethoven's great works and personality. The enlightenment thought influenced a large number of musicians at the same time. The fifth chapter explained the music forerunner's influence on Beethoven's creation and reflected the musicians' common understanding of the enlightenment thought. Great works are like mirrors in which people can see themselves. The reason why Beethoven music is enduring has its practical significance. In the last chapter, it discusses the influence of Beethoven's music on our contemporary society. Still has enlightenment to our country constructs the harmonious society.
[Abstract]:If you talk about the history of the Enlightenment without Beethoven, it's like ballet Swan Lake without Tchaikovsky. Likewise, the silence of the Enlightenment in Beethoven's writings must have lacked the depth and breadth of thought. Through the analysis of the representative figures and their works in the field of philosophy, aesthetics and literature during the Enlightenment period, this paper explains their various influences on Beethoven's composition, and makes us understand the connotation of Beethoven's works more clearly. Beethoven was born in the late Enlightenment, the enlightenment thought more perfect, freedom, equality, fraternity has been deeply rooted in the people. This paper is to draw a clearer picture of this connection so that people can understand the greatness of Beethoven and the inevitability of his works. The article is divided into six parts, the first chapter mainly introduces the connotation of enlightenment thought. As a continuation of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment marked that the bourgeoisie, as a revolutionary force, formally stepped onto the historical stage. In the second to fourth chapters, the philosophical trend of thought, aesthetic view and literary ideal during the period of enlightenment are discussed, with emphasis on the comparison with Beethoven's works. It fully shows that the times created Beethoven's great works and personality. The enlightenment thought influenced a large number of musicians at the same time. The fifth chapter explained the music forerunner's influence on Beethoven's creation and reflected the musicians' common understanding of the enlightenment thought. Great works are like mirrors in which people can see themselves. The reason why Beethoven music is enduring has its practical significance. In the last chapter, it discusses the influence of Beethoven's music on our contemporary society. Still has enlightenment to our country constructs the harmonious society.
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