[Abstract]:This paper analyzes the historical status and theoretical significance of Zhao Song Guang's on the Image of Music. This paper points out the theoretical basis and historical contribution of Zhao's literary theory, and makes his own deep analysis and rational thinking on Zhao's criticism of epistemological music aesthetics in the inner layer of literary theory. It is believed that when most music aestheticists in Eastern Europe and China indulged in epistemological musical aesthetics, he began to look for ways to supplement this narrow view. From the point of view of the effect of the supplement, Mr. Zhao's theoretical revision is indeed satisfactory compared with the musical aestheticians of Eastern Europe and China at that time, the logical relationship is indeed smooth, and the system structure is really rich in rhyme. This is the result of a transcendental, spatial theorist's wisdom and mind.
【作者单位】: 天津音乐学院音乐学系;
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