发布时间:2018-12-15 21:00
【摘要】: 布里顿是英国20世纪最杰出的作曲家,他在继承传统的基础上结合了较多现代的作曲手法,使得他的探索既得到了普通乐迷的欣赏也博得了同行的赞誉。本文以他三部不同时期的协奏曲为研究对象,将他在作曲技法探索中的特色予以了深入研究,以期提炼他的艺术成就,并力图能对当下作曲界有所借鉴。 三部协奏曲反映了布里顿在不同时期不同题材创作中的特色,它们都很好地挖掘了独奏乐器和协奏乐队的技术特长。《钢琴协奏曲》极大地挖掘了钢琴的音响表现范围,技术复杂、音色丰富,具有突出的钢琴音乐语言。《小提琴协奏曲》突出了小提琴的抒情性特质,并在传统体裁形式的发展中焕发出迷人的色泽。《大提琴协奏曲》不仅挖掘了大提琴高难度的演奏技艺,还挖掘了大提琴深邃的哲理,展现了独奏乐器巨大的音响张力。 在结构方面,三部作品都不同程度地挖掘了传统体裁结构的现代意义。《钢琴协奏曲》突出展现了古典协奏曲体裁在现代语境中的表现角度,挖掘了这一体裁的“协奏性”作用,乐队和独奏钢琴交相辉映,交互衬托,发展了古典协奏曲的协奏与独奏的最佳表现角度。《小提琴协奏曲》为使音乐形象更为集中、音乐材料呈示更为合理而省略了副部,从而形成有变化的奏鸣曲式。《大提琴协奏曲》在乐队材料的运用上是传统的极大发展,不仅在音色音响的开发上起了重要作用,还在材料的发展上突出了它在音色音型上的深入思考。三部作品都在传统的奏鸣曲式结构上作了不同程度的发展,还有一个突出的地方就是运用了帕萨卡利亚这一巴洛克时期的舞曲体裁。《钢琴协奏曲》突出了旋律变奏中的节奏律动递进,较为自由地发展了帕萨卡利亚变奏的装饰性;《小提琴协奏曲》在帕萨卡利亚发展上的创造性更为多样,甚至发展为与主调结合的性格变奏;《大提琴协奏曲》的帕萨卡利亚运用了第三乐章的第一主题,以对位方式装饰着固定低音主题,从而形成独特的交响性结构。 在调式调性上,三部协奏曲都有着明确的调式,但在结合传统的同时又有处理上的特殊性。如突破奏鸣曲式中主副部主题主属调性关系,充分发展了奏鸣结构的调性原则。在调结构上还运用了三度叠展的调性逻辑,使调式具有了复合调式的特点。而在帕萨卡利亚的调式发展中更为突出,它不以传统帕萨卡利亚对调性的限制,而采用了灵活的转换方式对其进行发展。 在配器手法上,三部作品都注意了特色音响的开发。《钢琴协奏曲》突出地挖掘了钢琴音色,并与其它乐器的不同组合,从而更好地展现钢琴的特质。《小提琴协奏曲》突出了音色音型的挖掘。《大提琴协奏曲》则在第一乐章再现部中通过配器色彩的极大反差突出主题形象与呈示部中的不同,第四乐章则通过乐器组合的非常规使用,推动了帕萨卡利亚手法的灵活,展现了交响性、戏剧性思维。 在音乐主题形象的塑造与发展上,三部作品都运用了短小动机材料灵活变形的特点,以此开发了传统音乐的新思维:而对歌唱性较强的旋律则通过片断化的“裁剪”,使形象在发展中更为多彩丰富。 从以上研究可见,布里顿在继承传统上取得了极大的成功,他的传统有着深厚的英国民间音乐和文学的基础,其中展现了英国牧歌和民间文学的迷人魅力。这一审美意趣的取舍使作曲家的成功有了深层次的传统意味,他也由此获得了极高的声誉。而他在时代新声及后现代语境的影响下所采取的对现代音乐的消化与吸收,使他的创新有着广阔的前景。这种探索必将对日渐回归调性音乐思潮中的当下音乐创作有所裨益。
[Abstract]:Britton is the most outstanding composer in the 20th century of the United Kingdom. He has combined more modern composing techniques on the basis of inheritance, so that his exploration has won the praise of his peers. This paper, taking the concerto of his three different periods as the research object, deeply studies the characteristics of his exploration of composition techniques, with a view to refining his artistic achievements and trying to learn from the present composing community. The three concertos reflect the characteristics of Britton's different themes in different times, and they all have a good way to tap the solo instrument and the ensemble. The piano concerto greatly excavated the sound performance range of the piano, the technology is complicated, the timbre is rich, and the piano sound is outstanding. The violin concerto, which highlights the characteristics of the violin, and has a charm in the development of the traditional form of body cutting. The cello concerto not only excavates the most difficult performance of the cello, but also excavates the philosophy of the cello, and shows the great sound of the solo instrument. In terms of structure, three pieces of work have excavated the traditional genre to a different extent. The modern meaning of the structure. highlights the expression of the classical concerto in the modern context, and the 鈥渃oachability鈥,
[Abstract]:Britton is the most outstanding composer in the 20th century of the United Kingdom. He has combined more modern composing techniques on the basis of inheritance, so that his exploration has won the praise of his peers. This paper, taking the concerto of his three different periods as the research object, deeply studies the characteristics of his exploration of composition techniques, with a view to refining his artistic achievements and trying to learn from the present composing community. The three concertos reflect the characteristics of Britton's different themes in different times, and they all have a good way to tap the solo instrument and the ensemble. The piano concerto greatly excavated the sound performance range of the piano, the technology is complicated, the timbre is rich, and the piano sound is outstanding. The violin concerto, which highlights the characteristics of the violin, and has a charm in the development of the traditional form of body cutting. The cello concerto not only excavates the most difficult performance of the cello, but also excavates the philosophy of the cello, and shows the great sound of the solo instrument. In terms of structure, three pieces of work have excavated the traditional genre to a different extent. The modern meaning of the structure.