[Abstract]:Xun Huisheng is one of the "four famous Dan" of Beijing Opera. He is a master of art in the field of opera performance. He is an innovator of Peking Opera art. Whether it is a traditional repertoire or a new repertoire, he is not conformist and conformist. It is necessary to transform and process the characters according to their understanding of the characters so as to make the characters full and fresh. On the basis of Beijing Opera's stylized performance, he introduced a large number of live performances, which opened up a new way of combining both organically and moderately, which is in line with the development trend of Chinese opera since the 20th century. He tried to use the program not to type the performance, but to portray artistic models with both shapes and spirits and distinct personalities. One of the artistic effects he seeks is to bridge the gap between the characters on stage and the audience, and to make the audience feel close to the person in the play. His style is natural and flexible, without losing the traditional norms of opera, open, free, free and without loss of implicature, rhyme fly and pay attention to depth, which has extremely high aesthetic value. The research of this paper adopts the development of many angles and methods. Will use the music esthetics and the ethomusicology, the music morphology method in Xun Huisheng singing accompaniment aspect (music Noumenon), the historical background aspect, In the aspect of the overall style system of Beijing Opera, the author concludes XunHuisheng's individual characteristics on the basis of aesthetic commonness of Peking Opera, namely Xun Huisheng's musical aesthetic characteristics. This thesis starts from three aspects: first, the aspect of music history. By referring to relevant books and materials, there is no definite stage for Xun Huisheng's artistic experience, and the artistic experience of Xun Huisheng is more concentrated in the list of artistic activities, which is based on the previous research on Xun Huisheng's artistic experience. Xun Huisheng's art experience is divided into four periods: the initial period of art, the initial stage of art, the mature stage of Beijing Opera art, and the late stage of Peking Opera art. Second, the aspect of music morphology. The purpose of this paper is to generalize the morphological features of Xun Huisheng's music by analyzing the schemata of music morphology and structure ("analysis of the layout of musical structure" and "analysis of the structure of singing by chart") in Jinyunu. For the study of Xun Huisheng music performance aesthetic characteristics to provide a solid foundation. Third, the aspect of music aesthetics. The aesthetic characteristics of Xun Huisheng's musical performance are summarized and sorted from the two angles of "charm" and "evoking", and a more in-depth study is made on the aesthetic characteristics of Xun Huisheng's music performance. And has obtained the theory achievement: in the rhyme beauty: contrasts the unified charm beauty and the appropriate moderate rhyme beauty two characteristics; The aesthetic characteristics of musical performance in the beauty of charming imagery and fresh and refreshing artistic conception.
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