发布时间:2019-06-19 23:58
【摘要】:音乐是竞技健美操的重要组成部分。健美操和音乐都有各自的艺术形象,二者很好地结合就形成了健美操运动的艺术。竞技健美操所用的音乐是严格按照竞技健美操规则的要求,充分体现竞技健美操项目特色和项目的技术特点,反映了教练员对于成套动作的创编思路和运动员的个人技术特点。运动员通过听觉刺激产生动力,激发运动潜能,完成成套动作、表现个性。 本论文以国内外竞技健美操比赛中运用的音乐资料为研究对象,采用文献资料法、专家调查法和图表统计法等研究方法,通过对多名竞技健美操教练员、运动员和音乐制作人员关于音乐与竞技健美操之间的关系进行了调查,解析竞技健美操音乐元素与动作之间的内部深层关系。主要结论如下: 1.竞技健美操成套动作是艺术与体育的结合产物,竞技健美操的创编是依照其特点、规律,根据其目的、原则为依托,将单个动作组织串联成为竞赛套路的过程。 2.竞技健美操音乐的形式繁多,都必须符合动作的性质和要求,深入了解和掌握各种动作元素,是在成套动作创编阶段音乐选配时的必要步骤。 3.与操化组合动作配合的是速度平稳、节拍鲜明、富有朝气的音乐;从音乐配合的总体布局来看,应该将音量稍强,并重音突出的节奏性旋律安排在有难度动作的位置;过渡与连接处的音乐,需要一种音阶式的、分解和弦式的、短句式的旋律,将各个动作单元的配乐有机地组合起来。 4.开场音乐要能够在情绪、速度等方面提示运动员,要求突出重音、节奏鲜明而无明显旋律;通常安排一系列的高潮作为主体部分,各高潮之间采用不同情绪、不同力度及不同旋律的音乐,使整个主体部分营造出“起承转合”的艺术审美效果;尾声段落的音乐内容宜“少而精”,可加入音效,用来加强最后的印象。 5.在竞技健美操成套动作的创编过程中,音乐比动作有一定的“优先权”。从业者要掌握电脑制作音乐和剪辑音乐的技术,还要在音乐制作的过程中注重艺术性,音乐制作本身就是一种特殊的“艺术再创作过程”。
[Abstract]:Music is an important part of competitive aerobics. Aerobics and music have their own artistic images, and the good combination of the two forms the art of aerobics. The music used in competitive aerobics is in strict accordance with the requirements of competitive aerobics rules, which fully reflects the characteristics of competitive aerobics and the technical characteristics of the events, and reflects the coaches' ideas for the creation of complete sets of movements and the personal technical characteristics of athletes. Athletes produce motivation through auditory stimulation, stimulate sports potential, complete sets of movements, and express personality. This paper takes the music data used in competitive aerobics competitions at home and abroad as the research object, adopts the methods of literature, expert investigation and chart statistics, and analyzes the deep relationship between music and competitive aerobics by investigating the relationship between music and competitive aerobics by many competitive aerobics coaches, athletes and music producers. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The complete set of movements of competitive aerobics is the product of the combination of art and sports. The creation of competitive aerobics is the process of connecting a single action organization into a competition routine according to its characteristics, laws, according to its purpose and principle. two銆,
[Abstract]:Music is an important part of competitive aerobics. Aerobics and music have their own artistic images, and the good combination of the two forms the art of aerobics. The music used in competitive aerobics is in strict accordance with the requirements of competitive aerobics rules, which fully reflects the characteristics of competitive aerobics and the technical characteristics of the events, and reflects the coaches' ideas for the creation of complete sets of movements and the personal technical characteristics of athletes. Athletes produce motivation through auditory stimulation, stimulate sports potential, complete sets of movements, and express personality. This paper takes the music data used in competitive aerobics competitions at home and abroad as the research object, adopts the methods of literature, expert investigation and chart statistics, and analyzes the deep relationship between music and competitive aerobics by investigating the relationship between music and competitive aerobics by many competitive aerobics coaches, athletes and music producers. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. The complete set of movements of competitive aerobics is the product of the combination of art and sports. The creation of competitive aerobics is the process of connecting a single action organization into a competition routine according to its characteristics, laws, according to its purpose and principle. two銆,