发布时间:2017-12-27 13:24
本文关键词:论竹笛的派别及艺术特色 出处:《云南艺术学院》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:竹笛是我国古老的民族乐器,1977年,中国的考古工作者在距今八千多年的河南省贾湖古文化遗址发现了20多支骨笛。经有关专家鉴定,这些骨笛与中国的竹笛十分想象,音节吹奏方式与竹笛也是密切联。,历代的文人墨客都曾为竹笛抒写了许多精美绝伦的诗篇。例如唐代大诗人李白的《春夜洛城闻笛》“谁家玉笛暗飞声,散入春风满洛城,,此夜曲中闻折柳,何人不起故园情。”解放后,竹笛伴随着中国人民建设新中国的豪迈热情,古韵重奏焕发出代的新声,主要是以南派和北派为主要代表。北派笛风注重刚劲、强烈。南派笛风讲究典雅、华丽。近年来又出现了以刘森为代表的“新派”,他结合南北特点创造出属于自己的艺术风格。 老一辈的笛子演奏家和近现代的笛子艺术家,为我们留下了丰富的笛子艺术作品,他们为笛子登上独奏舞台作出了很大贡献,为笛子的发展开辟了广阔的道路,竹笛的传承与发展仍然任重道远,需要大家共同努力,以至于让竹笛事业源远流长。
[Abstract]:The bamboo flute is a musical instrument, the ancient nation of China in 1977, Chinese the archaeologists found more than 20 bone flute in eight thousand years ago in Henan Province Jia Hugu cultural relics. By the relevant experts, the bone flute and bamboo flute is very China imagination, the syllable playing bamboo flute is closely linked with the. The past, have described the men of literature and writing many poems flute exquisite beyond compare. Such as the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai's "Chun Wen Di" Los Angeles "whose Yudi dark fly sound, scattered into the spring over Los Angeles, the nocturne smelled willow, who can not afford home feeling." After the liberation, with the construction of new Chinese flute people Chinese heroic passion, full of new generation of ancient Quartet, mainly in the South and North sentrepresentatives. The north wind flute to bold, strong. The south wind iselegant, gorgeous flute. Emerged in recent years, with Liu Sen as the representative of the "new", he combined the North South charactercreated his artistic style.
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