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发布时间:2018-02-21 03:02

  本文关键词: 霸王鞭 歌舞音乐 艺术形态 文化内涵 出处:《湖南师范大学》2005年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

【摘要】:歌舞音乐是我国民间音乐在长期的历史发展过程中所形成的传统音乐之一。这一音乐体裁广泛流行于我国各民族地区。怀化地区的霸王鞭也是一种集诗歌、音乐、舞蹈为一体的歌舞音乐形式,具有广泛的群众性。研究它将丰富我国的歌舞音乐内容,有利于挖掘民间音乐素材,保护民间音乐的流失,并对霸王鞭的保留、传承与发展具有积极推动意义。 霸王鞭已有久远的历史,随着时代的进步,当今广场音乐活动的开展,霸王鞭这一歌舞音乐更加显示了它的特色与优越性,它与秧歌同属于歌舞音乐,但在当地,人们已逐渐由过去集体扭秧歌而转变为打霸王鞭,焕发出霸王鞭在新时期的艺术魅力,但这一歌舞形式目前在学术界研究尚处于原始状态,本课题将就怀化地区的霸王鞭歌舞音乐做详细研究,希望能对霸王鞭的发展起到促进作用,并引起更多音乐专业人士对霸王鞭的关注与艺术上的指导。 全文共分为四个部分 一、霸王鞭的基本概貌。介绍怀化人文地理概况、“霸王鞭”的构造、服饰特点、表演动作要领、表演形式、表演场合、音乐题材内容以及它的传承方式等。 二、霸王鞭的音乐舞蹈艺术形态分析。分析其词曲结构、调式调性、节奏律动等特点,展现其艺术特征。 三、霸王鞭的文化内涵与文化功能分析。通过对霸王鞭音乐舞蹈本体的分析,揭示霸王鞭丰富的语义功能与文化功能。
[Abstract]:Song and dance music is one of the traditional music formed in the long history of Chinese folk music. This music genre is widely popular in various ethnic regions of our country. The overlord whip of Huaihua area is also a collection of poetry, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music, music. Dance as an integral part of song and dance music form, has a wide range of mass. The study of it will enrich the music content of our country, help to dig up the folk music material, protect the loss of folk music, and retain the overlord whip. Inheritance and development have positive significance. The overlord whip has a long history. With the progress of the times and the development of the musical activities in the square today, the music of the overlord whip has shown its characteristics and superiority. It belongs to the same song and dance music as Yangge, but in the local area, People have gradually changed from collective Yangko in the past to overlord whips, which radiate the artistic charm of the overlord whip in the new period, but this form of singing and dancing is still in the primitive state in the academic research at present. This topic will make a detailed study on the music of the overlord whip in Huaihua area, hoping to promote the development of the overlord whip, and arouse more music professionals' attention to the overlord whip and artistic guidance. The full text is divided into four parts. The main contents are as follows: 1. The basic outline of overlord whip. It introduces the general situation of Huaihua's humanistic geography, the construction of "overlord whip", the characteristics of costumes, the main points of acting action, the form of performance, the occasion of performance, the content of music subject matter and the way of its inheritance and so on. Second, the analysis of the artistic form of music and dance of the overlord whip, the analysis of its ci and song structure, its tonality, rhythm and rhythm, and so on, to show its artistic characteristics. Thirdly, the cultural connotation and cultural function of the overlord whip are analyzed, and the rich semantic and cultural functions of the overlord whip are revealed through the analysis of the Noumenon of music and dance of the overlord whip.


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6 周慧U,




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