发布时间:2018-03-31 01:11
本文选题:西方现代复调技法 切入点:对位研究 出处:《浙江师范大学》2014年硕士论文
【摘要】:西方现代复调技法是指在20世纪以来有别于传统单一调性音乐的复调创作技法,随着传统调性思维的逐渐走向瓦解、崩溃,作曲家们在音高、节拍节奏、织体、调式调性、音色、音响等音乐素材的组织形式上冲破了传统调性观念的束缚,为的是追求各种奇异的音响、色彩,如此便使得音乐的发展手法、方式具有多元化的特点,出现了“百家争鸣”的音乐时期,如德彪西的印象派、勋伯格的表现主义、欣德米特的新古典主义、巴托克的民族乐派、斯托克豪森的电子音乐、鲁托斯拉夫斯基的有限制的偶然音乐等等,但总的来说,现代复调音乐的创作,在声部结合的总特征是强调各声部旋律线条横向发展的思维,音乐的风格呈现出色彩奇异、复杂的现代性特征,是作曲家们为满足各种不同的审美而诞生的。 在此需要提及与回顾一下传统的单一调性音乐,它指的是音乐作品的调性是基于一个调性的范围内展开,纵向思维是以和声为载体,音程之间的协和性为其主要的创作原则,在单一调性多声部音乐中,音乐的发展既要考虑声部之间的协和性,与此同时也要顾及音乐的旋律性,即纵向对位既要建立在以传统和声思维上又要横向方面旋律性,两者兼顾,且音乐都要统一在一个调性里(虽然在其过程中会出现离调、转调的现象)。而现代复调音乐则不然,纵向结合上是不以其协和性为创作原则,声部之间产生大量不协和音响,形成复杂的关系,在调式调性方面它可能是双调性或者多调性,甚至是无调性的音乐特点,其音响色彩丰富且复杂。 关于中国对西方现代复调技法的研究已近40年了,在这段时间里,相关的研究已经取得了丰厚的成果,如我国的复调大师陈铭志先生、林华先生、中央音乐学院教授于苏贤先生、武汉音乐学院教授刘永平先生等等,他们对我国复调音乐发展可谓是功勋卓著,其各种西方现代复调技法理论的研究总结也已经深深地影响了我国后来作曲家的创作,本文将站在前辈们的研究成果的基础之上,以西方现代复调技法作为研究的对象,通过采用文献研究法、归纳法、实证研究法这三种研究方法,吸收我国在相关基础理论众多的研究成果精髓的基础上,根据西方现代复调技法的类别对其进行梳理、分类、归纳、总结,并结合对我国当代部分作曲家作品的实例分析,以此使其与相关的复调技法概念、特征相对应,以期从更为全面的方式来呈现和诠释西方现代复调作曲技法在我国产生的影响与发展,实现理论研究与实践运用的对位关系。 在搜集、整理、分类、阅读相关文献资料的过程中,对西方现代复调技法的研究成果进行技法类别梳理,本文将其内容大概分类如下:即双调性与多调性的对位结构、全音阶对位结构、微复调结构、宏复调结构、假复调(单声复调)结构、无调性对位结构、十二音对位结构、节拍、节奏对位结构、线性对位结构、音色对位结构、偶然对位、复风格对位等是各种复调技法。当然,由于时间及本人学识有限,可能还有更多的技法需补充,且随着音乐历史的发展,也必然会出现更多的创作技法,这是历史的必然规律。有一点需要说明,本文的另一创新之处是将“假复调”与“单声复调”归为一种复调技法,是因为它们之间实属同一本质内涵,将在第五章详细论述。 文章的宏观结构共分为三个部分,即有绪论、正文、结语组成。绪论讲述了两个方面,一是论文的立意和选题缘由;二是研究的必要性及现实意义;正文是文章的核心部分,共有十一个章节,在每一章节中分别对西方现代复调技法中的各种创作技法进行梳理、归纳与总结,由三个部分来论述,即各复调技法的基本概念、基础理论研究和实践运用;结语是对各种西方现代复调技法的总结及其思考,并引发的新的问题。 笔者通过对以上种种西方现代复调技法的整理研究,使得对各技法的概念及其创作都有一个更高、更深认识,本文希望对将来作曲与作曲技术理论进一步研究提供有益的参考价值与意义。
[Abstract]:The western modern polyphony technique refers to the complex creation technique which is different from the traditional single tonal music since the 20th century . With the gradual trend of traditional tonal thinking , it breaks through the limitation of the traditional modulation concept , so as to pursue all kinds of strange sound and color , so that the music development method and style have the characteristics of pluralism , and the music period , such as Debussy ' s Impressionism , Schoenberg ' s expressionism , Lutoslavsk媒 ' s limited chance music and so on .
There is a need to refer to and review the traditional single tonal music , which means that the tone of the musical works is based on a tonal range . The vertical thinking is based on the harmony between the sound and the sound . In the single tonal multi - vocal music , the development of music will not only take into account the harmony between the vocal parts , but also take into account the melodic nature of the music . However , in the case of modern reproduction music , the longitudinal integration is not based on its harmony as the creative principle , and there is a great deal of incoordination and sound between the vocal parts to form a complex relationship . In the aspect of the adjustability , it may be double - tonal or multi - tonal , and even non - tonal music features , its sound color is rich and complex .
In the past 40 years , the research on the western modern rehabilitation technique has been very successful in China .
In the process of collecting , sorting , classifying and reading related documents , the author sorts out the research achievements of western modern rehabilitation techniques . This paper classifies the contents of western modern rehabilitation techniques as follows : dual adjustability and polytropic alignment structure , full scale contraposition structure , non - adjustable contraposition structure , macro - reset structure , false - tone alignment structure , casual contrapuntal structure , linear contraposition structure , tone - color contraposition structure , casual contraposition , complex - style contraposition and so on .
The macro - structure of the article is divided into three parts , namely , the preface , the text and the conclusion .
The second is the necessity and realistic significance of the research .
The text is the core part of the article . There are eleven chapters . In each chapter , the author sorts , sums up and summarizes the various creative techniques in the western modern rehabilitation technique respectively , which consists of three parts : basic concept , basic theory research and practical application .
The conclusion is the summary and reflection of various western modern rehabilitation techniques , and raises new problems .
Through the study of the above all kinds of western modern rehabilitation techniques , the author makes a higher and deeper understanding of the concept and creation of each technique . This paper hopes to provide some useful reference and significance for further research on the future composing and composing techniques .
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