本文选题:公共音乐教育 + 网络 ; 参考:《首都师范大学》2005年硕士论文
【摘要】:公共音乐教育课程在普通高校中的开设,是对非音乐专业的学生进行音乐的普及性教育,,意义在于对本国和异国音乐文化进行多元化的推广和传播。但由于我国现有公共音乐教学形式还较为单一,教学体制还不够完善,还不能很好的满足新时期下的教育需要,由此笔者提出了这套网络多媒体教学平台的构想,这是一种公共音乐教育的尝试性研究。 整篇论文共分为三大部分:第一部分为前言,是对我国公共音乐教育发展现状和存在的一些问题进行的阐述,较为全面的分析了构建公共音乐教育网络多媒体教学平台的必要性和合理性。第二部分为本论,共有六个大点。第一大点讲述了网络多媒体技术运用在传统教育中所引发的改革和举例说明网络多媒体教学系统在现阶段的应用,进而对引用在公共音乐教学中引入现代技术的全新理念进行了阐述。第二至六点是对整个教学平台的综合阐述,也是全文的重点部分。这部分分别对建立网络多媒体中心;各高校在公共音乐教学中的软硬件建设与职能转变;网络多媒体教学条件下学生学习方式的转变;多媒体网络中心系统建设前、中、后期将可能存在的问题,以及部分相应的解决方式进行了较为细致的研究,并对其作了理性的阐述。第三部分为结束语,是对以上两大部分的一个概括性总结,阐述了在公共音乐教育中构建网络多媒体教学平台的意义。
[Abstract]:The opening of public music education course in ordinary colleges and universities is the universal education of music in non - music majors . It is of great significance to promote and spread the music culture in the national and foreign countries . However , because of the single form of public music teaching in our country , the teaching system is not perfect , and it can not meet the educational needs in the new period , and the author puts forward the idea of the network multimedia teaching platform , which is a tentative study of public music education .
This paper is divided into three parts : the first part is divided into three parts : the first part is divided into the preface , the necessity and the rationality of constructing the multimedia teaching platform of public music education network .
The software and hardware construction and function transformation of universities in public music teaching ;
The Transformation of Students ' Learning Style under the Condition of Network Multimedia Teaching
In this paper , the problems existing in the construction of the multimedia network center system and some corresponding solutions are studied in detail . The third part is the conclusion , which is a summary of the above two parts , and expounds the significance of constructing the network multimedia teaching platform in public music education .
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