发布时间:2018-06-24 00:07
本文选题:秋里 + 合唱指挥教学 ; 参考:《曲阜师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:改革开放以来,国民经济、文化迅猛发展,社会文化大发展大繁荣,倡导构建“和谐社会”。而合唱在和谐社会发展的进程中发挥着重要作用。合唱作为一种高雅的艺术活跃在社会文化这个舞台之上,最早产生于西方的多声部音乐,至今已有千余年的历史,合唱艺术传入中国也有百年历史。在此期间涌现出大批优秀的合唱指挥专业人才,,他们为促进我国合唱指挥事业的发展与繁荣,丰富广大人民群众的精神文明生活做出了积极贡献。秋里先生是我国当代著名的合唱指挥家,是我国合唱指挥艺术领域发展初期的领军人,为促进我国合唱事业的发展立下汗马功劳。他的指挥风格多样,时而充满激情,时而又细腻动人,独具个人魅力。在长期的学习实践中对指挥技法以及合唱团的训练形成一套较完善的教学方法,培养了大批优秀的合唱指挥专业人才,为后人的学习提供了宝贵的经验,成为我国合唱指挥领域的一笔丰厚财富。本文以秋里先生的合唱训练方法,及指挥技法理论为研究重点,全面分析秋里先生有关合唱指挥的教学方法、思路与学术研究。本文分为三大部分: 第一章:秋里先生的艺术生涯概述。 本章以时间先后为序,讲述秋里先生的生平、学习经历、指挥生涯、及艺术成就。 第二章:秋里先生的合唱指挥艺术: 该部分主要是从两个方面来研究概述秋里先生的合唱指挥艺术:一是关于如何成为一个合格的指挥者的技法研究;二是秋里先生有关合唱团训练方法、排练手法的研究 第三章:经典作品演绎 本章选取秋里先生合唱指挥艺术独具个人魅力的两个经典作品来具体分析研究。透过秋里先生对作品的诠释,更直接的感受到秋里先生的指挥艺术魅力。
[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the national economy and culture have developed rapidly, and the society and culture have developed and flourished, advocating the construction of a "harmonious society". Chorus plays an important role in the development of harmonious society. Chorus, as a kind of elegant art, is active on the stage of social culture, and originated from the multi-voice music of the West. Up to now, it has a history of more than a thousand years, and the art of chorus has been introduced into China for a hundred years. During this period, a large number of outstanding chorus conductor professionals have emerged, who have made positive contributions to promoting the development and prosperity of the choral command cause in China and enriching the spiritual civilization life of the broad masses of the people. Mr. Qiuli is a famous chorus conductor in contemporary China and a leading soldier in the early development of chorus command art in our country. He has made great contributions to promoting the development of choral singing in our country. His command style varied, sometimes full of passion, sometimes delicate and moving, unique personal charm. In the long study practice, a set of perfect teaching methods has been formed for the command techniques and the training of the choir, and a large number of outstanding chorus conductor professionals have been trained, which has provided valuable experience for the later generations to learn. Become a rich fortune in the field of chorus command in our country. This paper focuses on Mr. Qiuli's training method of chorus and the theory of command technique, and analyzes his teaching method, train of thought and academic research. This paper is divided into three parts: the first chapter: Qiuli's artistic career overview. This chapter chronicles Mr. Auri's life, learning experience, directing career, and artistic achievements. The second chapter: the choir conductor art of Mr. Qiuli: this part is mainly from two aspects to study the choir conductor art of Mr. Qiuli: one is about how to become a qualified conductor technical research; Second, Mr. Qiuli's training methods for the choir, The third chapter: the interpretation of classic works this chapter selects two classic works of Qiuli Chorus conductor art with individual charm to analyze and research concretely. Through Mr. Qiuli's interpretation of the work, more directly feel Mr. Qiuli's artistic charm of command.
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