[Abstract]:As a representative figure of the Rococo era, Francois Coupland, his four-volume collection of ancient pianos is an outstanding work in the mature stage of his music creation, which is a representative reflection of the music style advocated by France at that time. It is the concentrated embodiment of its unique ancient piano music style. The study of Longsova Kupland's ancient piano works will help us to grasp the enjoyment of the pursuit of diversity, delicacy, delicacy and ease of beauty-Rococo style. At the same time, his creative ideas and some novel techniques embodied in the ancient piano works also had a profound influence on the creation of later composers. In this paper, the origin of the distinctive musical style of Francois Coupland's ancient piano works is explored from the social fashion and historical heritage of that time, starting with its four volumes of ancient piano compositions and CD materials, focusing on the title and structure. This paper analyzes the characteristics of its ancient piano music, and reveals the enlightening significance of its ancient piano music style to the future composers.
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