[Abstract]:The training mechanism and scheme of basic music education talents is the most important part of music education in teachers colleges and universities, and is also the key topic of music education researchers' attention and research at present. As the practitioner of music education in normal universities, the research on this need to master certain research methods, research direction and topics and in-depth research will be of guiding significance. In this paper, from the perspective of the study of human cultural knowledge and ideological transformation, and combining with the current situation of the development of normal college and basic music education teaching and the policy program of the reform measures and so on, In order to provide a new perspective for the study of music curriculum reform in China, this paper probes into the tactics and methods of the research on talent training mechanism of basic music education. Therefore, in order to accept the new challenge and test for the Chinese music education in the 21st century, we can construct a set of relatively reasonable educational theory, so as to better guide the work and curriculum practice of music education teaching in normal universities.
【作者单位】: 淮阴师范学院音乐学院;
【基金】:江苏省教育科学“十一五”规划2008年度立项课题:“新课标体系下江苏省苏北地区中小学音乐教育现状调查及其研究(D/2008/01/183)”阶段性成果 淮阴师范学院2009年校级基础教育一般课题:“面向基础音乐教育的高师声乐教学改革研究”阶段性成果
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