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发布时间:2018-08-18 17:30
【摘要】:南昌民歌是南昌人民在长期的社会生活体验积淀下形成的用声传唱,以情感人的一种歌唱艺术,也是南昌文化中必不可少的组成部分。 本文主要考察南昌民歌的语言特色及蕴含的民俗文化,首先穷尽式搜集南昌民歌,而后以此为语料探究南昌民歌在语音、词汇、语法、修辞及民俗等方面的特色。 绪论部分主要介绍南昌民歌的研究现状及研究方法。由于南昌民歌的保存工作做的不够全面,致使大量的南昌民歌流失,故为众人所忽略。人们对南昌民歌的了解仅仅局限于几首耳熟能详的曲目。而研究南昌民歌的论文不多,大部分从音乐角度对其研究,从语言学角度进行系统全面的研究的著述相对较少。因此,研究南昌民歌不仅有助于挖掘其蕴含的艺术价值,还有助于传承我们的民族优秀文化传统,发扬我们的民族精神,使之代代相传。 第一部分考察南昌民歌的历史源流及主要特征。南昌民歌历史悠久,在漫长的发展历程中,经过繁衍、演变,发展到今天,内容相当丰富,蕴藏极为丰厚,价值独特。它是我国优秀的民族文化遗产,是民族民歌瑰宝中的一朵奇葩,也是南昌人的骄傲。 第二部分是文章的重点,研究分为四大板块。在语音方面,首先,本文以南昌民歌语音为研究对象,通过田野调查和参考文献资料等方法,结合熊正辉在《南昌方言词典》中总结出来的南昌声韵调系统,用国际音标的形式将南昌部分民歌描述,总结出南昌民歌的押韵规律:第一,相同的韵母押韵;第二,韵母不同但韵腹相同;第三,相押韵的韵母韵尾相同,元音不同。其次,,论述南昌民歌的节奏,从音顿律、平仄律、声韵律这三个方面进行研究。南昌民歌对平仄要求不严格,方言词汇的运用是南昌民歌贴近散发生活气息的表现。衬字的使用增强南昌民歌的表现张力。语法方面,简要分析南昌民歌中第一人称代词,句式选择和补充成分等语法点。最后,研究南昌民歌中的修辞表现。据分析,南昌民歌中修辞手法使用频繁,文章中选取镶嵌、反复、设问、比兴和铺排等修辞手法进行描述总结。 第三部分主要从民俗学角度阐述南昌民歌中所反映的物质、仪礼、信仰等民俗事象;然后,在此基础上对南昌民歌与民俗关系进行理论探讨,以便人们对其有一个更深入的了解。 第四部分对南昌民歌存在的价值以及流传问题进行反思。南昌民歌是南昌特色文化之一。它以南昌方言为载体展现南昌文化特色,具有重要的价值。针对南昌民歌的传承和发展,提出三个方面的建议:运用国际音标记音方法将语音记录下来以便更好研究南昌方言的发展;对演唱形式进行翻新;用网络媒体等营销手段进行推广。 总而言之,本文在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,以理论语言学为指导,并融社会语言学、文化语言学、民俗学等学科理论于一体,从语音、词汇、语法、修辞等切入,深入挖掘南昌民歌独特的语言特色及其所蕴涵的民族文化风情,旨在通过对其价值多方面的阐析,让更多的人来关注南昌民歌,将其发扬光大,从而大力促进南昌的传统文化艺术以及新型产业经济的发展与繁荣。
[Abstract]:Nanchang folk song is a kind of singing art formed by Nanchang people's long-term social life experience. It is also an indispensable part of Nanchang culture.
This paper mainly investigates the linguistic features and folk culture of Nanchang folk songs. First, it collects Nanchang folk songs exhaustively. Then it explores the features of Nanchang folk songs in phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric and folk customs.
The introduction mainly introduces the research status and research methods of Nanchang folk songs.Because the preservation of Nanchang folk songs is not comprehensive enough,a large number of Nanchang folk songs are lost,so it is ignored by people.People's understanding of Nanchang folk songs is limited to a few well-known songs.But there are few papers on Nanchang folk songs. Therefore, the study of Nanchang folk song is not only helpful to excavate its artistic value, but also helpful to inherit our national excellent cultural tradition, carry forward our national spirit and make it pass on from generation to generation.
The first part investigates the historical origin and main characteristics of Nanchang folk songs.Nanchang folk songs have a long history.During the long course of development, they have developed to the present day through multiplication, evolution, with rich contents and unique values.They are the excellent national cultural heritage of our country, a wonderful flower in the treasures of national folk songs, and also the people of Nanchang. Proud.
The second part is the focus of the article, the study is divided into four parts. In phonetics, first of all, this paper takes Nanchang folk song phonetics as the research object, through field investigation and reference materials, combined with Xiong Zhenghui's Nanchang phonological system summarized in the "Nanchang Dialect Dictionary", describes some of Nanchang folk songs in the form of international phonetic symbols. The rhyming rules of Nanchang folk songs are summarized as follows: first, the same vowels rhyme; second, the different vowels rhyme but the same abdomen; third, the rhyming vowels rhyme with the same end, different vowels. Secondly, the rhythm of Nanchang folk songs is discussed from the three aspects of tonal rhythm, flat rhythm and rhythm. The use of words and phrases is the expression of the closeness of Nanchang folk songs to the breath of life. The use of interlining words enhances the expressive tension of Nanchang folk songs. Grammar, a brief analysis of Nanchang folk songs in the first person pronouns, sentence selection and complementary elements of grammar points. Finally, the study of Nanchang folk songs in the rhetoric performance. Use frequent rhetorical devices such as mosaic, repetition, question, Bi Xing and PAI in the article to describe and summarize.
The third part mainly elaborates the material, etiquette, belief and other folklore phenomena reflected in Nanchang folk songs from the folklore angle; then, on this basis, carries on the theory discussion to Nanchang folk songs and folklore relations, so that people have a deeper understanding of them.
The fourth part reflects on the value of Nanchang folk song and its spread. Nanchang folk song is one of the characteristics of Nanchang culture. It takes Nanchang dialect as the carrier to show Nanchang cultural characteristics, and has important value. In order to better study the development of Nanchang dialect, renovate the form of singing, and promote the use of network media and other marketing means.
In a word, on the basis of drawing lessons from predecessors'research results, taking theoretical linguistics as a guide, and integrating sociolinguistics, cultural linguistics, folklore and other disciplines into one, this paper, starting from phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, rhetoric and so on, digs deeply into the unique linguistic features of Nanchang folk songs and the national cultural customs contained therein, aiming at through its analysis. The value of various aspects of analysis, so that more people pay attention to Nanchang folk songs, carry forward it, thus vigorously promoting the traditional culture and art of Nanchang and the development and prosperity of the new industrial economy.


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