[Abstract]:This article is composed of preface, body (five chapters) and conclusion. In the preface, the author expounds the reason, purpose and method of studying the northwest Hui banquet song and its evolution. The body of five chapters, divided into the next two chapters. The first part is the banquets and banquets in the wedding customs of the Northwest Hui nationality. The first chapter expounds the historical reason of the wedding custom of the Hui nationality in Northwest China, the wedding ceremony, the status of the banquet in the marriage custom and the historical change of the marriage custom culture. The second chapter discusses the banquets and banquets of the Hui nationality in the west and the north. In the singing of the banqueting songs, tea is used as the substitute for wine, and the banquets are inherited from the square style. Social function, the types of banquets. The second part is the evolution of the Northwest Hui banquet song. The third chapter expounds the historical and cultural background of the northwest Hui banquet meandering. The fourth chapter discusses the regional changes of the Hui nationality banquet songs, respectively for Ningxia, Xinjiang, Gansu, Four provinces (autonomous regions) in Qinghai have made a comparative analysis of several of the same categories and the same tracks of representative significance. Try to identify the similarities and differences between them and their changes and their causes. The fifth chapter discusses the personal aesthetic evolution of the Northwest Hui banquet. Through the analysis of four singers, including Ma Sheng Lin, Ma Gu Bai, Han Shengyuan and Ma Zhancai, and their singing repertoire, Clarify the aesthetic characteristics of the individual. Then it analyzes its causes from the aspects of nature, society, history, culture and the singer's personal character, temperament, outlook on life, art view, voice condition and so on. The conclusion is the summary and summary of the contents mentioned in the text.
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