[Abstract]:At present, with the recognition of the importance of personality integrity and the strong demand of the society for relevant talents, experts and scholars begin to attach importance to the practice and research of non-intellectual factors. Music education plays an important role in the cultivation of non-intellectual factors, and the significance of non-intelligence factors to human development has been recognized by more and more scholars. Through art education, people can improve their aesthetic ability, feel and experience aesthetic happiness, edify and enhance the realm of life, thus perfect the structure of human nature and cultural psychology, and make people develop freely and harmoniously in an all-round way. The aesthetic effect of music education is carried out in the aspects of physical and psychological ability and realm, and the implementation of non-aesthetic effect in the aspects of knowledge, experience, concept value and practical operation, which constitute the overall development of individual quality. In practice, people gradually realize that music art education, with its intangible appeal, can optimize the non-intelligence factors of college students, guide them to overcome all kinds of adverse influences in social life, integrate their own qualities and improve their comprehensive ability. By analyzing the psychological, emotional and ideological status of contemporary college students, and combining with the disciplinary advantages of music education in colleges and universities, this paper analyzes the innovation, coordination ability and motivation, interest, will and temperament of music education in colleges and universities. The influence of non-intellectual factors, such as personality, is discussed to prove that music education, as an important part of quality education, is to perfect the personality characteristics of college students and to promote the all-round and harmonious development of college students' quality. The effective way to enhance the social competition ability of college students. In order to achieve the ultimate goal of music education, that is, through music art education to cultivate moral, intellectual, physical, beauty, labor all-round development, with pioneering spirit and creativity, can adapt to and promote the continuous development of human society.
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