[Abstract]:With the development of science and technology, the competition of economy, military, science and technology is the competition of talents, and the key of talent competition lies in quality. People feel strongly that emotional education plays an important role in people's comprehensive quality. Piano teaching should adapt to the fundamental change from examination-oriented education to quality-oriented education, realize the principle of "educating people" and "cultivating talents", and regard emotional education as the fundamental content of piano teaching. Ability to affect the emotional state and intention of students, gradually formed a healthy aesthetic sentiment. This paper attempts to explore the relationship between piano teaching and emotional development of schools at all levels through the study of emotional education in piano teaching, so as to give play to the role of piano teaching in improving people's quality. The thesis is divided into two parts: the first part analyzes the principle that emotional education is the necessary way to carry out quality education. This paper discusses the objective inevitability of emotional education, the essence and value of emotional education. The second part: put forward the strategy of permeating emotional education into every link of piano teaching. This paper discusses the importance of emotional education; emotional education in piano teaching is to create beauty; renew teaching contents and develop students' aesthetic feelings; emotional education in piano teaching must adopt scientific teaching levels and methods. Piano music, with its unique way into people's spiritual life. Especially piano teaching in colleges and universities has become a favorable means to cultivate students' aesthetic feelings. With good feelings, there will be good sentiment. As a piano educator, it is necessary to cultivate students' noble emotion as the ultimate goal of piano teaching. Through emotional education, students can be trained into a person with perfect personality and quality.
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