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发布时间:2018-08-26 13:09
【摘要】:在灿若星辰的19世纪浪漫主义音乐殿堂中,李斯特身兼钢琴家、作曲家、指挥家、音乐教育家和社会活动家,颇引人注目。早年,李斯特致力于钢琴演奏,积极创新钢琴演奏技巧,形成了个性鲜明的演奏风格。比如,他在音乐会上大胆采用侧面坐姿、背谱演奏,以期将演奏姿态直接呈现给观众。生命鼎盛之时,李斯特退出舞台,献身作曲事业,,专注于与柏辽兹、瓦格纳共同倡导的既富有戏剧性又具有交响性的标题音乐。不同于李斯特那些辉煌炫技性的钢琴作品,《旅行岁月》是李斯特在各国游历时所创作的,似乎是对人生、对生活的感悟。大部分的文字标题下都引用了席勒、拜伦等人的诗歌,或是塞南库尔的文学作品,将文学的因素很好的融合在音乐中,并给演奏者以诗意性的提示。《旅游岁月》这部非炫技性的作品随着时光的流逝,深刻的思想和复杂的技巧渐渐散发出耀眼的光芒,在李斯特的整个音乐创作上占据着重要的地位。 本文分三个部分来研究李斯特《旅行岁月》第一集《瑞士》篇。第一部分站在历史的角度结合浪漫主义时期音乐的特点,介绍了李斯特钢琴音乐的特点及《旅行岁月——瑞士》篇的创作背景;第二部分对这部作品的标题性、调式调性与和声、音乐结构等音乐本体方面进行详细的分析;第三部分从作品的演奏与教学面入手,进行较为深入的研究,详细分析了这部作品的主要演奏技术,以弹奏震音、八度和弦、踏板及诗意的旋律的把握为例,为演奏这部作品提供了有益的理论依据。
[Abstract]:In the temple of 19 th century romantic music, Liszt stands out as a pianist, composer, conductor, music educator and social activist. In the early years, Liszt devoted himself to playing the piano, innovating the piano playing skills and forming a distinctive style of playing. For example, he boldly sat on the side and recited in the concert in order to present the performance directly to the audience. At the height of his life, Liszt withdrew from the stage and devoted himself to composing music, focusing on the dramatic and symphonic title music jointly advocated by Berlioz and Wagner. Unlike Liszt's brilliant piano works, travel time is what Liszt creates when he travels around the world. It seems to be a sense of life and life. Most of the titles quote the poems of Schiller, Byron, etc., or the literary works of Senan Kul, which combine the elements of literature well into the music. And gave the performer a poetic hint. "Tourism years", this non-flashy work, as time goes on, profound ideas and complex skills gradually radiate a dazzling light, It occupies an important position in Liszt's whole music creation. This article is divided into three parts to study the first episode of Liszt's Travel years, Switzerland. The first part introduces the characteristics of Liszt's piano music and the background of "Travel years-Switzerland" from the historical point of view, the second part is about the title of this work. In the third part, starting with the performance and teaching surface of the work, the author makes a more in-depth study, and analyzes in detail the main performance techniques of this work in order to play the vibratory sound. The grasp of octave chord, pedal and poetic melody provides a useful theoretical basis for playing this work.


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