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发布时间:2018-08-26 20:08
【摘要】:本文以莆仙戏的锣鼓点与戏曲表演为视角,试图突破以往对莆仙戏艺术成分分类研究的研究局限,以田野调查为立足点,并通过文献法,访谈法,实证研究等方法对莆仙戏音乐中锣鼓点与戏曲表演的内在关系进行了探究。全文分四个部分进行论述: 第一部分、本文通过对莆仙戏影音资料以及对莆仙戏文献资料的收集与整理,提取了莆仙戏的锣鼓形态和表演特征分别做了详细的介绍,,为其后莆仙戏的锣鼓点与戏曲表演相互关系的实例分析奠定了形态基础。 第二部分、文章通过对传统莆仙戏的折子戏《杀狗》、《朱朝连》、《三鞭回两锏》等剧目的片断分析,分三方面论述了莆仙戏锣鼓点与戏曲表演的相互关系。 第三部分、笔者以莆仙戏锣鼓点与戏曲表演相互关系的分析为基础,提出了处理好二者相互关系的基本方法。 第四部分、以中国戏曲的形成为依据,论述了莆仙戏锣鼓点与戏曲表演相互关系产生的历史背景与缘由。 通过以上四个部分的论述可以得出:莆仙戏锣鼓点与表演程式是莆仙戏表演中两个十分重要的艺术成分,二者之间有着不可分割的内在关系。要做到处理好莆仙戏音乐中锣鼓点与戏曲表演的相互关系,必须掌握深刻体验、驾驭程式、善用对比的三种基本方法。同时,两者的相互关系有着重大的历史背景和产生缘由,因此我们在抢救莆仙戏的同时,也要保存其艺术特点,并通过莆仙戏锣鼓点与戏曲表演相互关系的处理更好为莆仙戏表演艺术服务。
[Abstract]:From the perspective of gongs and drums of Puxian opera and opera performance, this paper attempts to break through the limitations of previous researches on the classification of artistic components of Puxian opera, and takes field investigation as its foothold, and through the method of literature and interviews, the paper tries to break through the limitations of previous researches on the classification of artistic components of Puxian opera. Empirical research and other methods to explore the Pu Xian opera music gongs and drum point and opera performance of the inherent relationship. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part, this article through the Pu Xian drama audio and video data as well as the Puxian opera literature data collection and arrangement, This paper extracts the gongs and drums of Puxian opera and introduces the performance characteristics in detail, which lays a foundation for the analysis of the relationship between the gongs and drums of Puxian opera and the performance of the opera. In the second part, the article discusses the relationship between the gongs and drum points of Puxian opera and the performance of opera by analyzing the fragments of traditional Puxian opera, such as "killing dogs", "Zhu Chaolien" and "three whips and two mace". In the third part, based on the analysis of the relationship between the gongs and drums of Puxian Opera and the performance of the opera, the author puts forward a basic method to deal with the relationship between the two. The fourth part, based on the formation of Chinese opera, discusses the historical background and reason of the relationship between the gongs and drums of Puxian opera and the opera performance. It can be concluded from the above four parts that the point of gongs and drums of Puxian opera and the performing program are two very important artistic components in Puxian opera performance, and there is an inseparable internal relationship between them. In order to deal with the relationship between the gongs and drums in Puxian opera and the performance of the opera, we must master the deep experience, master the formula and make good use of the three basic methods of contrast. At the same time, the relationship between the two has a major historical background and causes, so we should preserve its artistic characteristics while rescuing Puxian opera. And through the Pu Xian opera gongs and drums point and the opera performance mutual relations processing better serves for Puxian opera performance art.


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