[Abstract]:The problem of the separation and blending between the north and the south of Chinese Buddhist music has been inherited from ancient times, and the fall of the late Qing Dynasty and the beginning of the Republic of China, as a red line or tie, runs through the development process of the changes of Buddhist music throughout the 20th century. In order to understand this process correctly, it is necessary to discuss the jungle system of Buddhist monasteries and its important influence on it. Due to the fact that two different ways of cultural communication and communication are adopted by the forests of the ten directions and the descendants of the forest, they represent two completely different ideas of cultural communication. Even in the late Qing Dynasty and the early Republic of China more than 100 years ago, the two were completely different in the breadth of dissemination and distribution and the depth of influence. From the perspective of the 10-side jungle, the sound and rhyme of Southern Buddhism had spread all over the country and occupied an important place in the northern jungle; and all kinds of regional temple music styles, Also, different descendants of the jungle as a gathering place, to different degrees of conservation and play its role. It is also worth noting that in the past hundreds of years, in Tibetan Buddhism, southern Buddhism and other fields, there have been the shadow of the jungle system, and its monastery music style pattern has changed greatly. The academic circles should pay attention to the trend characteristic of the convergent times of "Ten Fangfang Jungle" in different Buddhist culture regions, and carry out further research on it.
【作者单位】: 中央音乐学院音乐学系;
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