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发布时间:2018-08-30 17:27
【摘要】:本人的硕士学位作品的创作灵感源自于T.S.艾略特的诗歌代表作《四个四重奏》中的第一章节《焚烧的诺顿》。研究课题以通过分析阐述本人的硕士学位作品为例,聚焦于象征主义中的音乐结构以及对象征主义文学与音乐不可分割的共通性进行探索。本论文在选题方面以阐述自身学位作品的创作过程与创作思路,结合对创作蓝本的诗歌的结构、文字韵律等方面的分析,更加清晰明确地阐明创作意图和写作手法。 象征主义在文学、戏剧、绘画等艺术领域及哲学方面均有着深远的影响和作用,然而在与其哲学思想最为贴近的音乐、尤其是作曲领域却并未得出完整的理论系统。但它依然影响并存在着许多作曲家与作品之中,两者之间息息相关。如瓦格纳的“整体艺术”对象征主义艺术的影响,德彪西的多部作品中体现出的象征主义美学思想,斯克里亚宾、勋伯格、理查德·施特劳斯的作品中也都出现了典型的象征主义艺术主题。 国内外领域目前对象征主义艺术、受象征主义理论所影响的作曲家及作品等方面的研究均获得了一定的成果,但其研究范围主要聚焦于19世纪末,20世纪初的共同社会背景、哲学思想基础和创作题材等方面的研究。国内领域主要集中于象征主义诗歌相关的、以声乐作品为首的部分,在其他方面尚且较为空白。 当20世纪以来的音乐形式以多样化、个体化发展为主导趋势时,在开放式的文化背景和艺术氛围之下,音乐形态及创作手法被赋予了极大的自由,很难再以国别地域、音乐流派等简单的划分手段加以研究。艺术形式的界限模糊化,纯粹的理性创作遭到摒弃,作曲家们无一例外地将个性化的审美理念与哲学思想融入作品之中。 本论文通过对自身作品的分析以及对写作方法的整理与总结,试图以象征主义写作手法与音乐写作手法的共通点为切入点,阐述这种内在联系的规律和手法,从而整理并总结出一些心得与经验。
[Abstract]:My master's degree works were inspired by T. S. The first chapter of Elliott's masterpiece, the four Quintets, is Burning Norton. By analyzing and expounding my master's degree works, the research topic focuses on the music structure in symbolism and explores the inseparable commonality between symbolism literature and music. In this thesis, the author expounds the creative process and thinking of his academic works, and analyzes the structure and prosody of the original poems, so as to clarify the creative intention and writing technique more clearly. Symbolism has a profound influence and function in the fields of literature, drama, painting and philosophy. However, in music, especially in the field of composing music, which is closest to his philosophical thought, there is not a complete theoretical system. But it still affects and exists in many composers and works, the two are closely related. Such as the influence of Wagner's "the whole Art" on the symbolism art, the symbolism esthetics thought embodied in Debussy's many works, Scriabin, Schoenberg, Richard Strauss's works also have typical symbolism themes. Some achievements have been made in the research of symbolism art, composers and works influenced by symbolism theory at home and abroad, but its research scope is mainly focused on the common social background of the late 19th century and the early 20th century. The research of philosophical thought foundation and creation subject matter and so on. The domestic field mainly concentrates on the symbolism poetry related, the vocal music works is the first part, in other aspects is relatively blank. Since the 20th century, when the music form is diversified and individualized as the dominant trend, under the open cultural background and artistic atmosphere, the music form and the creation technique have been given great freedom, it is very difficult to use the country region again. Music schools and other simple means of division to be studied. The boundary of artistic form is blurred and pure rational creation is abandoned. The composers without exception incorporate the individualized aesthetic idea and philosophical thought into their works. Through the analysis of my own works and the arrangement and summary of the writing methods, this paper tries to explain the rules and techniques of this kind of internal relations by taking the common points of symbolism writing techniques and music writing techniques as the breakthrough point. Thus collate and sum up some experiences and experiences.


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