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发布时间:2018-10-08 15:23
【摘要】:任何艺术风格都是一个时代、民族、社会的多种因素融合形成的,它是这一切存在的折射。每一个时代都要求有全新的“听觉”和“视觉”材料寻求新的语言、形象。也就是需要一种新的审美观来推动艺术的发展。在小提琴发展史上,十九世纪是欧洲小提琴音乐的鼎盛时期,小提琴音乐的艺术水平达到了前所未有的高度。作者撰写本文的目的旨在使小提琴专业的学生及广大音乐爱好者能够深入了解造就十九世纪欧洲小提琴艺术辉煌成就的思想基础和深层原因,特别是形成这一社会现象的哲学基础和美学思想。 文章主要内容是十九世纪欧洲小提琴音乐的艺术水平达到历史最高峰的四项标志:古典主义走向式微,浪漫主义蓬勃兴起;百家争鸣,学派林立;创作空前繁荣,名篇彪炳青史;才俊荟萃,名家辈出;十九世纪承前启后的巨大作用。其中包括各个提琴学派形成的时代条件、社会背景、音乐环境;各学派的风格特色;笔者对各学派美学理念的评价;古典主义音乐衰落的原因;浪漫主义音乐崛起的时代背景、社会基础和文艺思潮的演变;浪漫主义音乐的盛行及对后世的影响;笔者对十九世纪著名小提琴乐曲的美学评价;笔者对十九世纪著名小提琴演奏家美学理念的评价;浪漫主义小提琴音乐对古典主义小提琴音乐的传承;浪漫主义小提琴音乐对后世的深远影响;笔者对浪漫主义小提琴音乐的美学评价。 本文史料丰富,具有较强的实用性、科学性、可操作性。运用了文
[Abstract]:Any artistic style is formed by the amalgamation of various factors of an era, a nation and a society. It is the refraction of all this existence. Every era requires new "hearing" and "visual" materials to seek new languages and images. That is, the need for a new aesthetic to promote the development of art. In the history of violin development, the nineteenth century was the heyday of violin music in Europe, and the art level of violin music reached an unprecedented level. The purpose of this paper is to enable violin students and music lovers to have a thorough understanding of the ideological basis and the underlying causes for the brilliant achievement of violin art in Europe in the nineteenth century. In particular, the formation of this social phenomenon of the philosophical basis and aesthetic thinking. The main content of the article is the four signs that the art level of violin music in Europe reached the highest level in the 19th century: classicism declined, Romanticism flourished, a hundred schools of thought contended, schools of thought were numerous, creation was unprecedented prosperous, Famous articles outstanding history; talent and talent, famous scholars; 19 th century connecting the past and the future of the great role. Including the formation of each school of violin era conditions, social background, music environment; each school of style and characteristics, the author of each school of aesthetic ideas, the reasons for the decline of classical music, the rise of Romantic music, the background of the times, The evolution of social foundation and literary trend; the prevalence of romantic music and its influence on later generations; the author's aesthetic evaluation of famous violin music in the nineteenth century; the author's evaluation of aesthetic ideas of famous violinists in the nineteenth century; The inheritance of romantic violin music to classical violin music; the profound influence of romantic violin music on later generations; the aesthetic evaluation of romantic violin music. This paper is rich in historical data and has strong practicability, scientific and maneuverability. Using the text.


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